Thursday, December 31, 2009

Been There, Done That

According to the calender, the 09 year has come to the end. With the changing of the year many people (including myself) look back over the past and try to determine if it was a good year or a bad one. Speaking for myself, the 09 year was by far the BEST year of my life! -never before have I said that-

The 09 year was filled with God's Mercies and Wonders. Looking back over the year(s) I can finally say "God is Good"! Peace, serenity and love for others is the "nut shell" of blessings I experienced in the previous year. Jeff Morgan came ALIVE and The Word of God became real for the first time. My journey began. And now continues.

There was so many moments this year I could write about. Moments when I saw and witnessed The Holy Spirit work in ways.........that I would never thought possible. The birth of my son Cael Daniel was no doubt one of the highlights. That day will forever be a day that changed my life. If you are interested in the details of that day, please read Lisa's (my wife's) personal "blog" at .

In the week prior to Cael's arrival my dad was told he had cancer. On the day he was hospitalized, God poured His Spirit on me. Long story shortened, while the doctor was cutting and removing the cancer tumors out of dad, The Holy Spirit showed up. While I was in the waiting room a older gentleman was nervously awaiting his doctor's appointment. At first I just listened to a conversation this man (Larry) was having with a little old lady. I could tell he didn't want to be there but he was trying to make the best of it. When the lady left the waiting room I introduced myself, told him what was happening with my dad. Larry seemed quite shaken to the point he teared up and told me his story.

Larry lost a grand daughter in a car accident 2 year ago. She was not yet a teenager and in tears this man admitted the "unforgiven" in his heart for the man responsible for the accident. Sadly, the man who he said was the "blame" was his grand daughter's other grandpa. Whoa! He went on sharing with me like we knew each other for years. More unresolved guilt and sins were admitted as we continued. Through this, I felt and saw a change in him and me! The nurse came in to tell me dad was out of recovery but I closed the door on her (nicely) for a moment. In that moment, a OVERWHELMING spirit of either courage or ???????....... came over me. Larry was standing there and we embraced. I looked him in the eye and told him there is a God who loved him. I told him no matter what he (and I) had done in the past, this God I know is a God of redemption and forgiveness. He prayed and asked JESUS for salvation!!! By this time the nurse was wanting my attention and had reopened the door. Two nurses saw this man praying and weeping in joy. Lord, Thank You for that day!

The very next day in the Oskaloosa Hospital parking lot something else as powerful happened. Another man was healed in a way I can't explain. In fact, I will not even try. It was one of those moments I believe that is meant to remain secert. There is a fine-line between boasting self and glorifying The Real Reason for that man's healing. Again, Thank You Jesus!

During the 09 year God gave me a new heart. A new love for people maybe better said. This new ability to love my brother and sister was induced by fasting and praying for 21 days. My pastor invited the congregation to engage in a 21 fast while teaching from the book of Daniel. The idea challenged me at the core. So, under a strong conviction I set out on the 21 day journey. I had NO idea what God was up to. Again, if interested, I documented the journey day by day. (The details are archived in the month of June.)

Love. Love. Love The Lord God with all your heart, mind and soul. Love your brother as well and do so in the way you love yourself. This is what Jesus said was the greatest of all commandments. Love.

It took me 40 years to finally figure out what He meant. This year I had to learn the hardest part of the equation by coming to terms with self forgiveness. The "as you love yourself" part of Jesus' command was not easy for me. Without self love and forgiveness in the heart there can be no room for His Holy Spirit. The cycle is broken. True love can not really be given or received without self love. Please don't mistake self love for pride or selfishness. Self love is just the freeing of one's own free will in order to be finally united with The Love of God, Jesus.

Lord God I pray for all who needs Your Perfect Love. We all need it! I also pray that men and women free their hearts. Freedom to love others in the way You intended.

Awaiting Your Glorious Return,

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This has been a day of Godly Wonders and Beauty coming into life by the realities of His Love. The Lord must feel His People's love in return this time of year surely.? It's Christmas time for His Name sake! Surely His Own Chosen........His Own are CELEBRATING!!?? Are We!!?? really?..

There are many ways I could lead into the premise of this blog. That's often my problem, too many ideas and not enough writing. Think with me a bit here. Challenge your thinking.

What is at your core? I mean really. What do you believe? How about .. hope. What do you truly hope for? Is there anything outside the reality of our eyes? Is all that stuff Jesus and His Followers did just stuff? IS there more to life than just me? And my relationship with Jesus? What about Jesus in a concert with others? How Awesome IS He Who CAN be in so Many!?!?

At the core of the human soul is where The Holy Spirit can and WILL change a man. A change that will shake the very foundations of that core if He so desires. The believing in "God" changes to a new level. A new passion springs up within that man to join a Holy Living Spirit rooting deeper in that foundation. Life changes. Fruits grow to validate the change. The best part is giving it all away! As we receive His Gifts and Blessings, they become ours to give away. If we don't, the fruit...... the fruit will wither and die.

So when I change a premise of my core beliefs, I ponder and pray for long periods of time. Ask my family. I get "lost" in it often. -Pondering and prayer. oh, by the way, you pray ALL the time! Where are our thoughts? Anyway, I had something "shift" in my foundation. A shift that also changed the shape of a belief. A belief that changed my thinking and the way I must conduct my own life.

We can make a difference if we really believe we can. That's the trick though. Believing.

Believe and go make this Christmas a Christmas worthy of The Name is Represents!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Inspired Again!

I am not sure if it's the world we live in or if my eyes are not open enough, but either way, I find it hard to be inspired in today's world. Spiritually speaking. This world we live in is so fake and spiritually dead that it's hard to find inspiration anymore. We have no more "good guy" kind of heroes in our world of today. Even our sport figures have no honor anymore. Money, glory and selfishness is the attitudes of the blessed of today. Shame? That is yet to be determined, isn't it? Still, a inspired moment may be rare, but by God's Grace, still happens. What's even more grand is when theses "spiritual inspirations'' happen right in front of you (me)! I'd like to share a couple from these last few days.

Last week I had a old friend leave his earthly body and be reunited with his Heavenly Father. At my friend's funeral service I experienced one of those "moments". For my friend was a member of a large church here in my community and the ( I guess they call "senior pastor") performed the service. This pastor, he was able to speak to the hearts of the people my friend loved and do so in the most loving and sincere way.!. I was amazed how "deep" and "in tune" he was in The Spirit! Anyway, as I listened with my son Caleb there in the pew with me, I realized that this was not a funeral, but a celebration! A celebration of a life, a life of a man who LOVED life and the good that is of God. My friend was just that, good and full of God's love.

Often people ask me, "what's it like having 9 children?" I tell them, "I do not know any different." What's it like having 2 children? I can't relate.?.? What I can not get my mind around is being alone. Being without Lisa and my babies would be.....well....suffering......
I have a friend who has been alone for quite sometime and in many ways, suffering. My friend has been praying for a Christ-centered mate for a longtime and Our Lord Jesus came through! God is Good! No longer will my friend have to walk the journey of life alone any longer. This news brought me tears of joy and inspiration to a man who has more than his fair share of God's blessings. Again, God is Good!

Honestly, I have many more inspired moments that need to be shared. However these two are related in many ways. Not just because of the obvious. Not because of one friend's death and another coming into life again. There is something else bigger going on here. These two friends share or shared many common bonds including loving Jesus. I know each person would want and desires others to "come to Jesus" through their own life story. And it's my job, to share their victories in my life so others to may be inspired. Inspiration MUST BE SHARED.

I pray that blessings through inspiration continues to flow in my community. I pray that each man finds his inspiration and calls upon The Lord Jesus for the wisdom and courage to give it away. What God gives us is not meant for us to keep. Whatever gifts God gave me.....I ask it to be poured out upon my brothers!

Go be a inspiration to someone today!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Wonder and Mystery of a Snow Storm

The great snow storm of 09 is just now starting to show it's true nature as I write today. What power God has even as something so small to him. I pray families use this day as a binding moment as well as any opportunity to bring new comers into the Kingdom. His Glory will ALWAYS be shown in whatever weather He blesses us with!

I have thinking about The Wonder and Mystery of Our Lord God lately. Christmas season and all....... So often have I limited who He is or what He could be in my life by the constraint of my own sin. The one thing that keeps His People from Himself.

That in itself is pretty to deep for man to understand isn't it? The King of Kings is SO Holy, so HOLY, that not even a "speck" of sin Can or Will part of His Presence. !!! A common error in life by everyone now and who ever was. The one error that all of mankind was cursed with from birth. The curse of death. But we His People serve a Victorious King! A Kingly King that Went ahead of us and physically broke that curse for us! He Himself had to face death, torture and public humiliation, but that's another season to celebrate.

This is why He, This ALL Holy, ALL Loving and ALL Just Father had to send A Son, His One and Only Son.......A Perfect Sacrifice in Jesus, The Christ and Messiah, The Promised One.

Rejoice that we have a Father God and King Who Loves His People SO so much...............we can celebrate His Birth...........still. I pray that this Christmas season be filled with The Wonder and Mystery of our Mighty Lord like no other time in history!!! Bring back "The reason for the season" logo! : )

I do pray for everyman who loves his own and children. The men who would lay down their own life to save his child's. As a man, I know we have thought it. We have and do. If the time would come to save a life of his own family, any man would make that sacrifice. BUT in NOWAY!!! would I or could I even imagine sacrificing my children for ANYONE!!! That thinking is not even normal. In fact, men and women who have lost a child by death and find glory to God in are my hero! I simply can not imagine it.

Men.... This is what OUR Father Did for you and me.... does He Loves us....that much?!?! In my time of prayer, this is what I pray....May everyman in my community and all over His Creation come to see His Mighty Wonder! I pray the each and every man who calls You Lord Jesus in this Christmas season REALLY comes to the understanding of His sacrifice. I pray that each man finds his own calling from The King of Kings. And in his own calling, find the courage to follow through with it! Wisdom, Courage and Faith in Jesus is very powerful! Be ready men of The Most High!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A New Journey Begins

Tomorrow morning is the start of a 21 day prayer journey. This journey will start at sun rise tomorrow and end at sunset Christmas Eve. I am inviting any man who desires a closer walk with The Lord Jesus to join me. For 21 days my "theme prayer" is for the men (and their families) of our community. I am pleading with The Holy Spirit to fill each and every man who seeks Him as well as men who do not yet know Him. God is prompting me to build relations with certain men in our community in the hope that The Lord may be Glorified and His soon coming Kingdom expanded.

Please pray for me. I ask for courage and grace. Pray that I take advantage of each opportunity that God gives me to witness. Please pray also that in this season of celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus that men and women would truly understand God's Love for His peoples.

In closing I would like to ask a couple questions. What would happen to our community if a revival of The Holy Spirit spread through the men of Pella? What if Pella became the same kind of community that Peter saw spring up in the book of Acts? I know one thing, there are men in this city who have prayed for a heart like Jesus. These men are the ones who will help usher in this new revival of Love. It's coming! Will you and your house be ready?

Thank you Lord for this city and the men in it. I do pray for each man who calls on Your Name and that Your Holy Spirit meets each one at his own place. May our men once again become leaders in their home by demostrating love and grace. May the young men of this generation be encouraged by their elders and may the elders be that encouragement by example. -Amen

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Melissa Hopkins

To whom this may concern.

Melissa Hopkins and my family have been in relationship for about two years. Over the course of the two years our friendship grew because of the kind of person she is. Melissa is a loving and caring person. Melissa befriended my wife Lisa and the two ladies together work hard in becoming good mothers. The fact is Melissa Hopkins is not only a good person but she is a great mom!

As a building manager of a private school I hired Melissa this last summer. While I knew Melissa as a friend, I learned very quickly she was a hard worker. Her efforts around our school did not go unnoticed. In fact, I had three different professionals comment to me in private about the quality of work Melissa accomplished. I gained a lot more respect for her and understood her commitment to provide for her four children.

My wife and I are parents of nine children. We find Melissa to be a "breath of fresh air" and a inspiration because of her courage to do the right thing. I too was raised by a single mom and therefore understand her situation. We are proud to call Melissa and her four children friends.

-Jeff Morgan

Monday, November 30, 2009


The Lord God is Doing great things in my home town of Pella. Maybe for the first time in my life I am inspired by the events taking shape here in my own backyard. This city of reformers is feeling the Holy Spirit Move! Praise God! Can you imagine a reformation filled with The Holy Spirit right now in the city of Pella?!!? I see it, I can.

As God continues to Work me over and reveal Himself, I see my home town a little different. I am starting to understand why God has kept Lisa and I here. There has been many times where we considered leaving Pella. Lisa and I both have a heart for being on the go and seeing new places. We both have traveled abroad and love the adventure of the "unknown" -well, maybe me a little more than Lisa in that respect- :>) But Pella is home and home is where we need to be.

From now until Christmas would you embark on a prayer mission with me? Let us prayer for our community in whatever way you feel called. But for 25 days pray for a specific person, place or event. Pray The Holy Spirit would take control of that specific and transformation would occur. For me, my prayer will focus on the men of Pella. I believe if men become inspired by The Holy Spirit in community, the transformation will turn to reformation and then to eternal celebration.

May your prayers be loud!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Something About Fridays

It's been awhile since I set down to share my thoughts blogging. It's harder than I expected returning to writing. Not sure why. Actually I do but that's what is so hard to write about.

For sometime the premise of my blogging has been to challenge and inspire men. Since my last blog, life has changed in ways words can not describe. In one week, Friday to Friday, I saw and felt His Holy Spirit Work in so many ways that it......changes perspective to say the least.

Heard said, "seeing death changes a man". I believe that statement to be true. However, what is really life changing is "seeing Life in death". In one week, Friday to Friday I saw my dad close to what might have been his demise if not for intervention. Then the following Friday I see my son Cael Daniel born. Now what I dare not write about is what happened in the other days in between. What I will write about and share is the Goodness of our Lord Jesus!


The kind of healing I saw was not the kind of healing most would understand. And that's OK because we serve a Mighty Big God and His Healing is Perfect. Relationship, personal and spiritual healing all was extended to me in this short time frame. What was most impressive was to see others also find His Healing. My loved ones found healing that could only be orchestrated by a Loving God. No mortal man could have "made" these situations right.

Because of time and being tired, I am going to "lump sum" this together.

There is and can be healing in the generation before you and the generation of your children. I pray for all men to break any curse that stops them from healing. In order for our children to be free to really experience His Grace and Mercies then we as fathers MUST go to whatever lengths necessary to heal completely as a man first.

Awaiting His Glorious Return,

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Part 2 to Take The Offense

As I watch the Yankees battle in a pitching duel with the Twinkies, many thoughts run through my brain. The one thought that keeps haunting me is this...

The world has fallen to despair and good people are choosing to do nothing.

Since I have been woke from my spiritual slumber, He has given me a new heart. A heart for my brother and sister who I once turned my back upon. In order for me to truly love my Lord God will be demonstrated by the way I love my fellow man. Jesus taught this OVER and OVER in His Ministry! He gave EVERYTHING always to His fellow man in every place and every opportunity.
Unless I am reading The Word wrong, Jesus loved His people! He showed Love, Kingdom Love through action. All of the actions Jesus did in miracles such as healing and casting away demons were just "love taps" to The King of Kings. Then Paul and Peter came on the scene and did more of the same. Paul, who did not even walk with Jesus continued His Work by the Holy Spirit and his actions. What I am wondering, why don't Christians today believe AND act(action) like Peter and Paul?

I admit publicly my sin. Jeff Morgan has been asleep at the wheel for 40 years. In that vast 40 years I was protected by His Love and Grace as a unbeliever and a believer. God's Grace is wonderful IF it is fully accepted. But now, with "the scales removed from my own eyes" I see EVERYTHING in a new light! In this clearer vision I see............well, maybe better said, I see the things (both good and evil) that I have always closed my eyes to before. Either way, I need to follow the light into action like my brothers before me, Peter and Paul.

This will be my attempt to be just what He called ALL of us to be. Salt and light. My teacher, the late Zola Levitt ( said too as Christians we should be more like the authors of the Bible. Zola reminded me that Jesus did not come to make peace but to divide. (not worded exactly) The premise of this statement is true regardless how anyone takes it. Jesus was NOT the "make love and peace" god like the hippies would like to believe. His Power was Love and His Peace will Come soon but not until His People once again become a REAL body.!.

I said in part one, I want the ball. (Football talk) I desire to take the fight to the enemy and expose the evil for what it is. Nowhere in The Life of Jesus did He take the defensive. He did not have too! So why do we? I am tired of retreating and compromising with this evil in the world. Anyone else?
We need to rebuild the team in a short time! We need leaders with a heart of courage and NOT compromise to lead this last revival of believers! And I further say boldly, this revival will not come from the church. Sadly, the church today can't even come to the game and cheer let alone be relevant in this all so serious game. Time is to short to wait..!

Summery. I am bored with most Christians today. There is NO passion! No depth in heart! I hear people talking but no action! I woke up from a bad dream to a nightmare! The people who I thought so highly of are really just flapping fat jaws speaking wordless words. These men in Christian church leadership I want to challenge. Take up our OWN cross and show the flock how to carry it! If you don't, I will!!! Get out of your comfy place of slumber AND LEAD these people like you were called too! Look your fellow man in the eye and use the authority He Gracefully gave you to love them all in ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summery II. With the lack of Christian faith and the enemy winning this battle, we are in peril like no other time. While God's people continue to be content and live in complacency, evil will strengthen. We who want to see The Kingdom must be the ones who bring it. No doubt we have a battle ahead BUT a battle that belongs to OUR Lord and King, Jesus Christ!

Awaiting His Beautiful Return to Glory!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Time to Take The Offensive Part 1

Anybody else tired of waiting for someone to come along and make everything right? I can't remember the exact numbers of the population of "registered" voters in the 08 election. But what I do recall is the current president winning tens of millions of, well (legal?) votes on the promise he was the hope. People flocked to the polls last November to "pull" for the man who was going to bring justice, peace and resolve back to America. The tens of millions are still waiting mister president. Sadly, so is EVERYONE else on this earth.

I start with the above paragraph because "waiting" IS EXACTLY the thing evil thrives on. If nothing is done, evil endures. What happens when good people do nothing? We as believers have done just that!!! NOTHING!! Wake up!!! Does NOT the Bible speak of this?! Our road was NOT meant to be easily trotted. But for some reason we look to man to save up from this part of the journey. What man ever lead long and did nothing?! Wake the hell UP!!!

As a FOX news watcher (and I will say avid listener of only a few programs on that network), the world as we know it is is GREAT despair. This being said only in relevance to what REALLY is going on around the globe. PEOPLE!- We are in place in history where we as the human race has never before ventured! Mankind's peril is about to be put to the brink!

Why do we, (me included) spend SO much time waiting??? I hear God's People who I know loves The Father say ALL the time, "I will be patient and wait on God" - "All in God's time" - "God's Will in His time" - "God's Leading will be clear" one of my favorites, "I'll pray on that and ask for God's Will" WHAT???!!! Why? Is this what Jesus Did? How about Paul and Peter in The Book of Acts?

There is wisdom waiting for The Lord, It Is Written. But sticking our heads deep into the sand while the world rots away is NOT wisdom. Are we not called to do/be more than just wise? This attitude of today's pew warmers of "waiting" does NOT line up with what Jesus said and did. We NEED God's People in ACTION!!! HEAR THIS!!! Please! For the Sake of His Name WAKE UP!!!

For all the sleepy heads, I'll make you a deal. You see, I want in the game! I too was once sleepy and liked the softness of the "sidelines". But when Coach Christ looked at me and said "You are in Morgan", I gotta go! Just the idea of The King of Kings asking me to be a part of His team is humbling. Now He is telling me to "take the ball" and DO something with it! He reminds me that He will NEVER leave or forsake me in my efforts. Even if I stumble and fumble (like I have my whole life) His Grace is enough!

Part 2 coming!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Just Blogging

I gotta just lay stuff out there sometimes.

How do I even start?

There is NO doubt the lifestyle I live is MUCH different than anyone one else I know. Many of my friends and family I am sure see me as, well.....maybe..... different?.? I don't know. There was a time I ALWAYS thought the worst. A time when I believed that more people saw the Morgan family as a "burden". My self guilt and shame of my unresolved sins (not repented) was killing me! I took it out on everything/everyone including ones closest to me. I remember a man I worked for at Vermeer telling me once, "Jeff, you are your own worse enemy". Never thought much about that again until the sin was finally confronted. He was right. The "fighter" in me wanted to and still at times, kick my own butt!

The evil satan knows how to push my buttons. This week I started feeling again unworthy. The feeling of being "unworthy" is powerful! At least speaking for myself it is. I am finding many men also struggle with the same thing. For me, I see the "wrong" in everything. I believe everyone around me sees the same "false bad" in me as I think/see of myself. Next step often for me is isolation. Bad for me, VERY bad....!!! Unworthiness for a man, again speaking for myself, strikes at the heart. Here is a personal example.

As a man, dad and husband, I carry natural burdens. The leader of any group is required to carry at least the responsibility of the body. Lately the idea of being able to provide for my family is weighing me down. Just ever so simple things like this week Jalissa turned the sweet sixteen. I was unable to do anything special in the way I would like. Now I get the obvious when people tell me it's OK but deep down, that pain is real. I am still a man, still a dad.

All of my children are so incredible loving and caring. That's why I am struggling so much. I feel they deserve so much more. I don't honestly care about the "extras" of life but the necessities. Things like school and everything that goes with it. Clothes, shoes, sports wear and the everyday activities. It's pretty clear that if I can't do these things well, the rest of life's economic realities are even more frightening.

What really adds to this distraction is this spiritual awaking in me. The Lord, and I believe with everything in me that this to be true, has Called me into a full time ministry. There is no logic in what I must do, BUT what I must do takes the one resource I do not have. Again, no logic. Does this mean I am off my rocker? Maybe. Would not be the first time someone suggested Jeff Morgan is a little (or lot) eccentric. What keeps me encouraged is in The Word of God. Anyone who was anyone in the Bible did NOT follow the normal.

If my life is to glorify Him in anyway then I must overcome this fear. I must remember to not only trust Him but practice what I preach. As much as I want to go and encourage my brothers in Christ, I too must allow them in return to do the same.

Both humbly and boldly I plea for aid. I ask for prayer and wisdom in making Godly decisions for both my family and ministry. To me now, they are one! My family (both Lisa and our children) have been and will continue to be a arrows in His quiver. Whether we are here in Pella or on the other side of the globe, the Morgans will serve The Lord Jesus.

Awaiting His Mighty Return,

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Overview of Morgan Ministries

Morgan Ministries is a mission based organization with two convicted purposes. To encourage our neighbor and expand His Coming Kingdom. Each one carries much responsibility and Biblical mandate. I am finding just about every person comes to some sort of "summery" or puts the Bible in it's simplest phrase. This summery fits what I REALLY want to see Morgan Ministries become. My interpretation of the Bible reflects these two missions. Jesus said to us, Love The Lord God First With Everything we are. The second, love our neighbor as we love ourselves. This is what/how Morgan Ministries is called to serve The King of Kings.

The above paragraph is a "snap shot" at the broadest point of Morgan Ministries. *(for the rest of this article I will refer Morgan Ministries as M-M)* M-M will use The Two Greatest Commandments told by Jesus Himself as our direction/guide. How we do that in detail is yet to be determined.

We are wanting to fill our schedule with speaking engagements. Lisa and I both have stories to be told. Let me give you a small taste.

Have you meet anyone or ever even read about a person who hated his dad so much he would legally change his born/sire name? When I was 20 years old I was SO angry I changed my legal name from Jeffrey Lee Johnson to Jeffrey Joesph Morgan. Hate, anger, malice and even revenge (or so I thought) was the ONLY feelings I had for many years. During those years I filled myself with anything and anyone that would numb my pain.

Early in that time I tried to run from everything. I cared only to survive. So many times would I have giving my life for any cause. My survival was only prolonged by His Grace. That's much easier said today than then. Booze, drugs and women did numb me for awhile but never for any length of time.

After Lisa and I had been married for a few years and Jalissa and Caleb were young I received a phone call. The call was from a women I had been with years before in Florida. She said she had a son that was mine. After being freshly out of a 30 day in patient treatment center for drugs and alcohol I was troubled again. After some DNA testing, it was confirmed, this boy child was mine.

Well like I said, this is only a taste. There is so much more that both Lisa and I have to tell! The bottom line is......... Only a God of Grace and Love could take two things so broken, so cursed by the sins of pasts and make whole again. Today, we have 9 children. 9 wonderful and beautiful children who I believe have something Lisa and I never had. Confidence. Real confidence that can only come from Jesus Christ.

Morgan Ministries (M-M) has more to offer than just the normal ministries. Our broad backgrounds in life can and will bring healing for many. Like Paul, we did not walk with our Lord on earth BUT He allowed us this personal experience of darkness so we could help shed light for others.

If anyone desires a "guest speaker" for any group, we (M-M) would love the opportunity. We only want and desire our stories to be an encouragement to our brothers and sisters. And, if possible, a invitation to the one who does not know The Lord Jesus. This is again the premise of the entire mission of M-M.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sharing Thoughts

I am going to just lay this out here publicly. This is my attempt to write or verbalize what I TRULY believe The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is prompting me to do. This is man who can't get enough of His Love! Every part of me is in awe of His Love, Mercies and Grace! My life has been TRANSFORMED by The Blood of The Lamb! It's my mortal human will is now publicly His! Now I commit and turn over EVERYTHING, and I mean everything!!! that I have and ever will have to further The King's Kingdom!!!

The other day I wrote about a line drawn to represent "a fresh start" . Well, He showed me the "fresh start" is relationship and mission. I am for the first time, (I think) seeing why The Great and Loving Father made me the me I am. So long did I close my eyes to the goodness from Him in me. Instead I got lost in the negativeness of myself. This was satan's greatest weapon against me. To make a long story short, I can simply say this to define me to a TEE:
"I was once lost, but He saved me. Yesterday I was dead, but by Your Love and Grace!!!, Today I live!!!

Now for the first time in my life I see the path to go on. Never could I see past the end of my fat/rubbery nose to God's Promises. My action now is to finish strong serving Him and forever giving The Rightful King Glory! We are ALL in! Sold out to the Promises He has for me and family! I AM going to Jordan and God Willing, Lebanon to serve my enemy.....This is something I HAVE to do. All logic says not to. In fact this may be the most illogical thing I have ever done! (You need to understand, that's saying a long list)

I feel obligated to LEAD of group of young men in God's Word about Bible heroes. Why this group of young men? No logical explanation really but a prompting I can not ignore. Pray for our young men!

Coming in November I will be walking around the state capital building for 24 hours. The premise of this feat is to remind my brothers to come join me again in January when the legislation session begins. We as a men who wave the banner of The King NEED to find a fight worth fighting!!! Guess what men, it's OK to fight. Really it is. GO FIGHT a battle worthy of cause. Get behind something that represents the Good of Our Lord and be willing to lay it all out!

This year for Thanksgiving our Morgan family will be serving dinner in a shelter somewhere. To truly love The Father is to love ALL of His Peoples. God prompted everyone from Lisa and I to the little ones. Praise God that my children have a place at His Table! Thank You Jesus for Making that Sacrifice!

As soon as possible Morgan Ministries will be "Kicking Off" fund raising efforts. With relying only on Him, Lisa and I are going out telling "our stories" both together and individually. Not only do we desire funds to do His work in the Morgan Ministries organization but we will continue to support existing ministries locally, and internationally. One internationally I support is Zola Levitt's Ministries. (Zola, we miss you!) To aid our efforts, we Morgan Ministries are applying for non-profit in order to be better stewards of His provisions.

In closing this "Sharing Thoughts" blog I NEED to say this. Morgan Ministries is (soon) a full time service for The King. I will, with prayer and fasting, go anywhere and do anything to serve Our Jesus! I say to my fellow man.....If there is something you have a passion for, a dream of seeing something done to Glorify Him, please contact me. I, Jeff, vow to be the arm of The Body of Christ. I will, if funds can be arranged, do ANYTHING to see The King of Kings and Our Lord of Lords Glorified!!!

Awaiting His Return,

For All Men and Men Only

With all do respect to our lovely and wonderful ladies I am addressing you blessed men. Again I am looking for men who are willing to give 21 days of prayer and fasting! One man has asked me about this challenge I sent out a month ago. Please, let's talk "frankly" as men from here on out and put into ACTION the "As Iron Sharpens Iron" phrase. Come men, check out Big Daddy's Blurbs blog site designed exclusively for men.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why me?

The question "why me" has been said more times then any other question I believe. Funny, there was a time when I not only said "why me" all the time but deep down desired to be ANYONE but me. Today, by The Grace of God, I ask the same question but for a much different reason.

Here's my new "Why me" plea.

Why me Lord!? Why have you put on my heart the thing that I once thought to be impossible to go do. Why me!? Is it because You once sent other common men out to spread Your Good News before me? Why me!? Why Peter? Lord Jesus, why Paul? My enemy is all around telling me that I can not do this. It's not logical and practical. BUT Lord,!!! I can NO LONGER ignore the call, the call to battle! No longer will my cry be "why me" in self pity BUT a SHOUT of "SEND ME"!!! Please Lord Jesus, my mortal self will is Yours, just send me!

I now know "why me?". You had me live my life with Your Love and Grace all around me to prep and equip me for Your Service. Battle tested!!! 40 years of wondering and not being able to see the Land of Milk and Honey until today! I get it!

Love and Grace,

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Line Is Drawn

For many reasons, reasons that I can not write about at the present, a line has been drawn. In order for the line to work, there WILL be 2 (two) sides. No compromise! The line might get pushed upon like rough water to a cliff but STILL stands between two places, forces and even wills. Here is how my line divides out.

I have been "blurbing" and blogging for some time now about "this ministry" that is in me and how something new is springing up in me. If anyone really reads this, please look back over the theme of all my blogs and my gut tells me you will find that The Lord Jesus through His Mighty Holy Spirit is.....what's the word, "moving" in me. My line, or maybe better said "life" is now, for the FIRST time fully His. From now until my eyes sees Him may I serve Him and only Him!

I am announcing today, publicly, Morgan Ministries WILL BE the arm of the Body Of Christ in ANYWAY He, The Lord God Almighty May Want. I will, with The Helper, live my life like it is NOT my own. Everything that I am or have has come from Him. No worldly riches do I have or really desire. Any glory that I have had or will obtain WILL be directed to The Rightful King. May The Name of Jesus be tattooed to my lips so everyone who calls Him King will know my full intent!

More to come,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Parents of PCGS 8th grade young men Part 2

Some time has pasted since I first approached these young men and honestly to long. I have these young men catching me in the halls and asking me "whats the plan coach?" or "are we getting started here soon?" This tells me I need to get off my rear and role out a plan. Here is what I am thinking and considering.

"Using the Word of God, the premise is to study and learn life lessons from the Heroes of both Old and New Testaments with the Help of The Holy Spirit to encourage men of ALL ages and backgrounds/walks of life."

This statement is my hope for any who want to meet. I am thinking however to have this "Walking with The King" study off campus of PCGS. Having this study "off campus" will allow us to do more things and "neutralize" everyone from anywhere. For example, we will do service projects. I do NOT want to put the school in any way liable if something would happen. Off campus will also benefit the study by allowing for "coffee time" atmosphere on Friday open meeting time.

Anyway and for many reasons I have asked Neil Wilson for permission to use "The Sanctuary" as the meeting place. The Sanctuary is a ministry that God Inspired and has Blessed and now has a physical beautiful building for His Kingdom. Neil and Angela Wilson are Godly people who have personal testaments that also "encourages" both men and women. The best way to describe the location is The Old Pella City Hall Building. The building with the 2 dogs made of concrete meeting you on the porch! Right across the street from the Pella Cinema.

For time and days I am still sold on Friday early morning. This will be a open invite to both sons and dads to come, engage in pray, fellowship (eating donuts and all the healthy pastries Pella has to offer and maybe learn. I am recruiting all the Godly men I know and asking them to come on Fridays to share their testimonies. We all need to hear that Our Lord Jesus Is Still Working in the lives of heroes of today! 6AM is still the start time I am thinking, big commitment I know BUT let's do it! You, your son and most importantly, He, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is worth the time of waking up 1 day a week early. One who is NOT a great early person, (talking bout me) will commit and always be there God Willing.

I am also thinking meeting Tuesday nights. Going to extremes here but I am thinking 8PM to 10PM. This will be more focused for the young men but dads are welcome to attend. I know we can NOT meet everyone needs and that's way twice a week is important. I too will hope to use The Sanctuary for this meeting place as well.

Please continue to pray for this ministry. I truly have a heart for all men. I want to be a encouragement and use my life as a open book to share. Jesus has Blessed me so that this is a chance to give back. My cup is overflowing and I want to share with my brothers! Fish are biting! (If you know what I mean)

Blessing and Courage,

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

As I look over my blog page and realize it's been a week since I have spent time writing or expressing myself. Also funny, the most common day of the week for me to "blog" is on Thursday. So I have no excuse but "blurb'' or blab ;0) pending how you take my point of view.

Speaking of blurbs or whatever term used to describe the latest way for mankind to physically communicate. I am finding people do actually read what I have to say. This is completely humbling to me, really is. There was a time, not all that long ago, where I was......not healthy enough spiritual to believe I was worthy. Many I tell this can't believe that! With every ounce of humility and truth.....most of my life, I wished to be someone OTHER than me, Jeff Morgan. Everyone around me had it better than me. This was my attitude toward my own being! Self hate!!! Self shame!!! Self guilt.......

The evil lord has God's people in slavery! Slaves to the unforgivable self. When God's people experience life's hurts and pains, satan uses it his advantage. The evil one wants to hold us down by reminding us of past pains and hurts. You see, when we battle with ourselves, internally either spiritually or emotionally, that means there has to be good vs. evil going on. We are unable to be free enough to offer our "true" free will to serve The King when this internal war is happening. No matter how you look at it, satan's nature is automatic in ALL of us. If he (satan) keeps us battling ourself, we can't battle for The Lord.

What my hope and prayer is for anyone who hears or reads my message.

Understand that you are not alone in your walk. Many who fought themselves so much finds The Father. There IS Hope in Him! Take Godly Courage! Fight the fight that is worthy of your real effort. Let that past history of yours (and mine) stay in the past! Jesus has forgiven already. The Father sent His Own Son in order for us to be FREE and to live for HIM!!!

Lord God I pray for my fellow man and sister in You. I pray for Your Healing and Forgiveness in the lives of all who ask. I ask in Your Name, to bind any evil that is working in lives of people. Yes Jesus Your Name is Power! Allow the walls of bondage and self guilt to fall into the darkness where it belongs. Show Your Power and Might to all who lacks in faith.

Thank You Jesus,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Morgan Ministries

I am going all out saying this, but I am meant to have a ministry. I know everyone is called to their own ministry in their own way. I get that. What I am talking about here is more of a "public" ministry. The word "ministry" does get used often to describe someone working the enhance the Kingdom of God. That's just it, I want or long for serving The King of Kings every moment of everyday! Not just in serving by action but in prayer and physical interaction. "Public" meaning going out of my own comfort to meet people and accept them no matter what the condition I find them in. I want a heart to see my fellow man as The Father sees His People! I want to learn to love in a way He Loves! This is the REAL heart of this mortal man.

Morgan Ministries will consist of us, the Morgans. Our life will be a living-breathing example of God's Love and Grace. The Morgan's have life stories that can/will impact people and ultimately brings glory to The Lord Jesus! We have seen God's Grace and Mercy throughout our entire lives. Both Lisa and I lived brokenness and cursed lives and only by God's Perfect Love can we be victorious in our mortal lives today! We both bring to the ministry life lessons that can be taught (with His Wisdom) and two people who LOVE to teach! Lisa's story is one of motherly love and how God can take pieces of brokenness and make beautiful Glory to Himself. I bring a side of "fatherhood" and "manhood" that most men dare not even imagine! Both Lisa and I stories will meet people where they are at AND give back encouragement to any situation.

More to come. Know this my readers, Big, big changes are about to happen in many lives! May The King of Kings continue to give me the heart of love for my brother so I may help nurture each one who needs. May His Might and Glory be demonstrated through Morgan Ministries

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Parents of 8th Grade young men

Dear Moms and Dads of these young men.

Last week I invited all the 8th grade boys to a "info meeting" or better used for me was a "feeler" meeting on Friday. Almost every young man in the 8th grade class showed up! The idea was to see if any of these young men would like to deepen their walk with Jesus in a group study. Again, with the number of guys that showed up, Jesus showed me that His young men are worthy to Him!

Since PCGS theme this year is Bible Heroes, I prayed for this to come to life for young men. I prayed for the 8th graders in particularly. Honestly, I have been really looking forward to coaching this year! For the first time in many years I am NOT coaching any of my own off-spring! SERIOUSLY! If you ever coach your own kid for long, you will know what I mean! Anyway, God said to me in many ways, He will, this prayer of mine, be fulfilled but I need to lead it. Well, it's real easy for me to say "I am to busy" or say to myself, "I have 10 kids already, why do it?" Long story short, God or The King of Kings is prompting me to do this and I NEED to follow through.

I address you all as a parent of many including a son who made the big jump to high school this year. The jump or change has been (as a dad and a coach) the BEST thing for Caleb and I. The high school has some of the best men (God Inspired) coaching and leading that school that sending Boo was easy. "As iron sharpens iron" is what I see happening in the football program at every level of Pella Christian schools. Caleb my son is a better young man for the discipleship brought forward by the men at PCHS.

What I see "Walking with The King" Bible Study doing is studying The Word of God in a way young men can relate to. Capping the theme of PCGS, I want these young men to see what being a Biblical hero is REALLY about. David, Daniel, Peter and Paul are the 4 men I want to spend time learning about with these guys with Jesus always being center. What I really want is these young men to learn from these 4 Biblical heroes (Both New and Old Testements) is we as men are NOTHING without God.

We have some hurdles to make this an offical school event. I will ask to meet with the School Board or any committee before I can give much details. So please feel free to contact me in anyway for questions regarding "Walking with The King" study. I will not know meeting details yet, but I am thinking twice a week meeting. One time slot I would like to do would be early Friday mornings. I am also thinking durning that time (Friday AM) we would invite all dads as well.

In closing, I pray that each parent, both mom and dad prays for his/her son during this year. Pray that your son may find God and His Spirit in a way that is life changing. Dads, you are always welcome! And dads.... I challenge you to be the spiritial leader of your family and pray hard for your son and all your children. Pray for your wife as well. Moms, pray for your husband to be the man God wants us ALL to be!

In His Mighty Name of Jesus

Thursday, August 6, 2009

21 Day Challenge Info

As I have written yesterday, I am laying out a open invitation to any and all men! Big or small, married or single, old and young, I don't care. Men of all backgrounds and denominations are welcome to inquire. However not all will be invited. As I prayed and asked God to open this vision for the 21 day journey, He has reminded me that not all men will believe! This journey is NOT meant for every man who asks me about it. This is no "bible study" once a week accountability breakfast club. I love accountability and take courage by "as iron sharpens iron" but this is NOT that. After the journey, you WILL desire council and accountability with fellow brothers in Him. These 21 days my dear brother is designed to turn your life up side down and I mean when I say.....Up side down!

Welcome Race Fans! Jesus Loves You!

Our nearby neighboring town of Knoxville will be Hosting the Sprint Car Nationals the week of August 12 through 15. I've heard that over 50,000 people will be in Knoxville during the 4 day event. And I am hoping that those people bring a appetite and plenty of cash!!!

It's official. The Morgan Family is again IN the "Food Serving" business! "Big Daddy's" will be open to the public August 12 around 10AM right across the street (Highway 14) from the racetrack. Big Daddy is the name my kids gave me and everyone seemed the name fitting for this. The name may have been mine but the vision and opening of doors belongs to The Real Father, God. May The King of Kings be Glorified by any efforts of mine or my family!

Big Daddy's will offer race goers a variety on the menu. Both the "rib steak" and 1/3 lbs patties will have the beef eater's mouth watering! And if beef ain't your thing try the 5oz pork loin, smoked by Apple wood, this will be the pork people's preference!

The quality of meat products won't be complete without a cool beverage from Big Daddy's. The Morgan Family has many hidden talents but we are breaking out a old recipe to dazzle our visitors and guests this year! If good ole southern "Sweet Tea" ain't for you, then try the regular iced tea or even a plain ole bottle of H2O.

With all that I am, I believe God Himself is fulfilling His Promise to me by making Big Daddy's a reality. Someday I hope to write about this and how it all come to be. I do know this. If my flesh was to get involved to much or if my flesh desired the glory for Big Daddy's then failure is a sure bet. Only by Him can I do anything worth doing!

Awaiting His Mighty Return,

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I Challenge ALL Men!

If you consider yourself a "manly kind of man" or the kind of man who loves a challenge, Let it be known, I, Jeff Morgan personally challenge you! I am serious!

This challenge is in line with one area in ministry I feel lead and that is raising men of honor. Honor is something that is lost in today's man. I believe to serve a King Worthy of Praise, men who claim His Mighty Name should be men of honor! Really man! Search your heart, find that king within you. Let things like "Honor" and "Truth" be your heart's desire if you want to take this 21 day journey.

This challenge won't be for the weak heart or for men who's schedules rule them. For 21 straight days, three times per day, you would have to commit. Prayer, fellowship and fasting along with emphasis on Acts and Romans would consume 90 minutes 3X daily. For 21 days you would deny yourself, learn to carry the Cross, and and maybe even see what suffering looks like.

Again, as I feel called into ministry, God is challenging me to bring as many men along as He desires us all! If I have influence among my fellow man, may that influence find it's way to Glorify The Risen King of Kings! Really! When I did the 21 days, my starting prayer was to learn to love God's People as He loves His Children. He has given me a heart for men who are willing to go to any length to face his fear AND ask Him for the Godly Courage to become "fearless". As we study Acts, we will discuss God's manly men like Paul. Peter and Paul were "fearless" and used The Holy Spirit to do great things in the Book of Acts! I challenge you to believe!

More to come.

Awaiting His Glorious Return,

Trying to hold on!

I don't know how to even begin to describe what life is like for me right now! All I know is Jesus is doing mighty things and He is using me in ways I never thought possible. Peoples lives are being transformed right in front of me! I see hope again in God's People who say His Name! The kind of Hope that is truly sustained by The Holy Spirit. There is also Power in The Holy Spirit! In fact the Power of The Holy Spirit is so great that soon Christians all over the place will see and hear of great miracles! I am serious, people will walk who can't. Men and women with cancer will be completely healed. God's Glory is coming upon this world like never before in the history of creation.

Hold on! Be ready to BELIEVE!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Time to Roll

My new word as of late is "prompt" or "prompting". I say often anymore, "I have this "prompting" to try to do something". Regardless the word, I want to express a "urge" or "feeling" to do" that is Spirit lead. Just allowing myself to follow through on a something that tugs my heart.

The King of King's has prompted me to explore the food service arena again. The Morgan Ministry team will set up a 'Tenderloin shop' in Knoxville during the Sprint Car Nationals! This venture has been directed by He, The One Who Sits At The Throne, Lord Jesus and for ONLY His Glory and Profit. Pray for "Morgan Ministries" the virgin voyage is really underway. May The King Lord Jesus BE Glorified by my meager mortal efforts.

More to come as I am so eager to write the story of this tenderloin stand. This will be forever a testimony proclaiming God's Grace and Mercy!

Awaiting His Return,

Friday, July 24, 2009

This Just In.....Again

I can't help but to update this page.

Encouragement!!! We need it! Everyone of The Father's Created Chosen Ones need each other to survive this mortal life!.!. Satan is on the prowl men!!! He can and will use everything he can to defeat man at this hour of this age. Forgive each other of sins and pray to God for the Power to forgive yourself. Little hope for man without self forgiveness. Without self forgiveness a man can't truly surrender to the Holy Spirit fully. And without a solid line, via the Holy Spirit, to The Holy Father, God Almighty we can only experience mortal encouragement. Encouragement with The Power of The Holy Spirit is Limitless! I know when satan is pounding away at me and I try to fight back but try to do it on my own. This could be my defeat if I allow it and not ask for God's Gift to us, The Holy Spirit. Self will and self forgiveness are one! Allow Conviction and NOT worldy condemnation to be the test waters of satan's temptations.

For me to put to practice, my physical being will match my spiritual being as well. For me to believe UNCONDITIONALLY His Mighty Powers in me, will first start of the healing of my own body.

Fight Hard....Love Harder Men of God!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Kids Call Me "Daddy"

"Daddy, can you pick me up after practice?" "Please daddy can I come with you?" "Da da, can I have a dink dink?" "Daddy, did you see that?!" "Daddy - Why NOT?"

I hear the word "Dad" or "Daddy" probably more often than most men who are dads. Not tooting any horn but just stating the obvious. When 8 kids (soon to be 9) speak to me or wants my attention, the word(s) dad or daddy are always said. Even when in public and I hear a child say "daddy" I always turn to look and respond. In fact, I'll take it a step further and say that the word "daddy" is said to me more often than my name Jeff. I love it! Even my 15 and 14 year old still refer to me as "daddy". I pray that will never change!

Sometimes my title as a "dad'' gets confused with the term "father". Now I don't get uptight when one of my babies calls me "father" but deep down it just does not feel right. In my opinion the title of "Father" should only be reserved for our Heavenly Father. Dad or "daddy" best describes us earthly mortal men who are parents of his offspring or adoptive children. I don't want to get hung up on terminology but know that the two are completely different in meaning.

Learn to love the Lord God first, and learn how to love your own self. Only then can He allow a "daddy" to get a glimpse of what a True Father really Is.

Warp on up on a note and prayer for ALL men who love, and for men who really want and desire to love their kids but don't know how..........Men, my only note is, YOU HAVE TO SAY "I love you"

Father God, You are The Perfect Father and All Loving Creator! Thank you for giving the Perfect Example of Love through the Father and Son relationship! Only by That Perfect Love can I as a mortal man find to be a "daddy'' for my kids.

Lord I pray for every man that has children, that he finds and loves his child right now! Lord give each man Your Holy Courage if he may ask in order to love His child. I pray for Heavenly Strength to the man who finds The Holy Spirit and uses It to love all of His Creation. Create in me and my fellow man the heart of David, The Heart of The True Father, Lord God.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This Just In! Part Three

Most of the people close to me know that I often flirt with living on the "edge". With saying that I will continue to press on in hope that through my personality He will be Glorified.

Currently I am in the middle of writing about how the world is ripe for a "evil overthrow". This subject is very deep and forces me to use God's Word in conjunction with current world events. However, I needed a "reprieve" or a break from the research because the fact is this truth is not pretty to write about.

So today and tonight my thoughts have been focused on Jesus' life and how He was rejected by His own people. Truth is, He was put to death by the hands of the religious leaders and not Pilot. I always thought Pilot was given a bad rap for the crucifixion of Jesus. The Jewish leaders at the time was so afraid of losing power that they freed a murderer in order to hang The Christ. This is well documented in the Gospels.

Here's the premise of my thoughts.

What would happen today in the Christian church if Jesus came to earth the same way He did 2000 years ago? Would the "Christian" leaders of today reject Him and have Him written off as a crazy man? Would the church today condemn The Rightful King to death again? Has the church today turned to man's view point of the Bible rather than their own convictions of His Word?

I ask these questions only to answer them myself. My answers may be surprising.

There is NO doubt in my opinion that today's church would indeed deny Christ. Maybe not every church individually but the church as a whole. The Catholic Vatican would be the first to reject The King. Then many of the weaker "denominations" would quickly follow suit. See that's just it. The church today is so wrapped up in "denomination" or better described as man's point of view that God's Word becomes second. I could envision today's church leaders sitting in a committee where satan has a foothold and doing EXACTLY what the Jewish leaders did 2000 years ago!

Sorry. Not really sorry in the way of apologizing but in the spirit of pity. I guess I have lost the confidence in the leaders of the church. Over and over have I seen and heard men (and women, sadly) being put into church leadership roles like elder and deacon based on the amount of money they have spent in the local church. This gives way to believe that not only man is willing to sell their own soul for money and power but also willing to sell out the body of Christ. Again I want to emphasize that not all local churches are selling out. There are churches that stay true to God's Word and are willing to go to any length to make sure Truth is practiced. However we are losing more than we are gaining.

Earlier I mentioned "denominations" and how mankind follows the law of man before the Word of God. Are we (men) so weak in faith that the Word is not enough?! I see daily how John Calvin's writings or opinion is being considered equal to Paul's letters. Don't get me wrong, what Calvin and other reformers did years ago was courageous and God ordained. Each one of these Godly men who took on the Roman Catholic iron fists and said ENOUGH is to be honored. But because these men were/are Godly men, I would dare to say they would NOT want their teachings to be equal to God's Word. But today's godly men would rather ride the shirt tails of these reformers rather than finding their own way through the Word of God. Honestly, of course this is my opinion, today's man in faith is not only weak in mind but weaker in the Holy Spirit! And again, these are the men in the church leadership. It's no wonder why churches, schools and the worst even, the family are in disarray or lost.

With saying all of that, I believe there is Hope still! Action must follow and be in line with Godly Hope. But He, the All in All God of Hope can and will change the hearts of man IF the action is allowing His Spirit to control the self-will in each man! Does that make sense?

Lord Jesus-
I pray for my brothers that each man who calls you God finds Your Will. Your yoke is lighter and Your Way brighter! I pray for men, all men to give You a chance. May You Father send Your Holy Spirit to men who seek Your Will. Lord, please bless those who call upon You and relinquish their own free will in sake of finding The Holy Spirit.

Thank You Lord Jesus! Thank You!

Awaiting Your Glorious Return,

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Reflecting Over The Journey

It's been awhile since I sat down to write. Coming off the fast is kinda like having a mild "hangover". For non-drinkers that only means my head is a little foggy. -Smile. Anyway, it IS enjoyable to eat again! Those animal crackers that Johnny has been offering me are now free game. Believe it or not, I only lost bout 13 pounds during the fast. That really surprised me.

I truly needed to take a few days to reflect and discern what The Holy Spirit showed me over the course of the 21 day journey. My mind has been busy thinking "what's next?" Well, while trying to answer that question I have discovered some truths. Here is a couple: There is no doubt that I am "Called" by my King to serve Him! There is no doubt that life as I understand it is about to change. There is no doubt that my faith and beliefs are stronger than any other time in my life! There is no doubt that I am still a sinner and need a Merciful Lord.

As stated up above, I do know with certainty that the rest of my days WILL BE devoted to Him entirely. He has given me the heart to love His creation in His Children. Love your Lord God with all efforts! THEN love your brother as you love yourself. If ministry is my calling, I really need to get busy for my brothers. He is opening the door, the thing is, do I have the courage to walk through? This is no ordinary task He wants me to do. This will take me out of my comfort zone, as so for all of my family. Again, courage.

Lisa and I have had the opportunity in recent weeks to host brothers and sisters in our home. God laid this idea to have people, friends/family, over in small groups. It's a time I have shared some of my testimony in hopes of encouraging our guests. This is a simple way to minister. The Book of Acts describes in the text that the early church was done in homes too. I believe we NEED to follow the "blueprint" of the early church today! God and His Spirit hasn't changed only the times. The time has now come for the the church today to wake up! He WILL be Faithful and provide His Mighty Weapon to aid each one who comes to Truly Believes! Invite people to your homes and fellowship in His name. Read His Word. Encourage each other with love.

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is coming soon! I know that has been said for two thousand years, but NEVER has the world been so ripe for the picking! If the Book of Acts describes how the first church needed to perform, we need to take heed and follow suit! We are not the first church but the last. Listen brothers, now must be the time to leave our "lukewarm" attitude and recommit with conviction one's life to HIM!!! He wants His men to wake and draw swords! He wants men who are convicted to live for Him to live life with zeal and fire! Let The Holy Spirit lead each one of us so He may be Glorified! May His People be busy working for The Holy Kingdom until That Day of The Return of The King!

-Father God,

May You Bless my brothers and give them all who calls upon Your Name Heavenly and Holy Courage. Use me as You See the need. May I too have Courage that can ONLY come from You! I pray for the families of these men who You are about to awake. Give each wife of these men Your Holy Spirit so she can rely on You when her man is doing Your Will. I pray for the children, especially the young men that they may see his daddy seeking You!
God, THANK YOU!!! Thank You Lord for being Faithful to me and all of Your People! Without You I am nothing. Thank You for continuing to shape and mold me. Continue in me the Love You have given me for the people of this world. Thank you Lord Jesus!


Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 20 and 21 The Last Days

How do I begin to write a ending for such an experience! Is there a end? The clock struck the hour when I ended my fast and again enjoyed God's previsions of food and drink. The occasion was perfect thanks to a Merciful Lord Who Opened the flood gates of Blessings! Many of my loved ones were present last night to share in my son Caleb's (Boo) party and the breaking of the fast. God even provided Nate the opportunity to join this wonderful celebration! God has shown me so many things as of late but one lesson I did catch just last night is this. God The Father IS Generous to His Faithful Servants!

-More to come, as I am still physically tired now.

Day 19

Looking back at yesterday and living the day out are completely two different perspectives of attitude. Yesterday most of my efforts were concentrated on my home and family. The Holy Spirit was present but I chose to hold back from It's Welcoming. My human will focused on what is to happen on Saturday. The Holy Spirit did NOT leave me when I felt "flustered" or "short" yesterday. Looking back, I only let go but only a part of my free will yesterday. This is my problem not abandonment by The Holy of Holy! He can only LEAD me if I let go and allow my Father to navigate or take full control of me.

This is why He made me not write last night. I needed to reflect WITH my will in check. Allow The King of Kings to humble me enough to "listen" for His Spirit to lead again.

Hope is Alive and Well men!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 18

Nearly midnight and I still have energy! No drugs either, just a natural feeling of alertness and a sharpness with a positive "background". God has taken the anxiousness out of my daily life/routine and filled it with this ?calmness? Or could it be that one word I have always desired but never really ever followed through long enough to be able to claim by myself.......Serenity. At peace with oneself AND at Peace with The Father is my understanding of True Serenity.

Sadly, like me in a lot of ways, got saved and Filled with the Holy Spirit right away! Then, due to lack of wisdom at age 24, I did not seek or find my "calling" at that time. I was so sure I was to "pastor" that just that thought deflected or blinded me from The True Prize, Him. I had passion and fire but I did NOT seek Him first. Therefore I wondered for many years BUT He still Poured out Blessing upon Blessings to me. He gave me Grace and Mercy when I did not deserve nothing but maybe a van down by the river. Even though I turned away from Him, He Stayed True to His Calling for and to me. You hear, "God never gives up on you". Well that was just it for me, I "heard" but I haven't been "listening". The Holy Spirit can and will sustain me and all IF we let go of "free will" and carefully Listen for Him.

If I am Listening carefully to what I sense the Holy Spirit is saying to me, then I HAVE to be prepared and ready for Whatever He Wants. . .This is why I could have never been able to move forward when I was earlier saved in my life. I HAD to learn more from the world. I had to accept and trust that His yoke was lighter than the one that anchored me for so long. Mine like so many people in this world feels like this! "I can't go on"! "This just ain't worth it"! Sadly, life changing choices are made in these moments. I too relate. Sins that can't be forgiven, or so I thought. 40 years! 40 years did I have to wonder lost, running from myself and worst, My Heavenly Father! I missed it, or so I first thought. He has shown me all reasons and answers to all those 40 years. Not only is He directing my future today but He went back and cleaned up all the "dead bodies" I left behind! He took my sinful nature and made it Good. How? I had to live 40 years (kinda surprised I made it really) to have a testimony.

Because of my mortal life on earth and all my sins, God Will Have MORE of His Children Enter the Gates of Heavenly Glory! No joke! This "Calling" I am preparing for in my heart WILL BE transforming not only for me but many close to me now and many soon. May my light be bright enough to allow others, my Brothers and Sisters in Jesus, to see the Way. If anyone ever wanted to know "how to be salt/light for Him" is done, share your story! We all live by example whether we want to admit or not. If I have any credibility with my fellow man may they take encouragement from me. The Holy Spirit will be present when I give testimony that ONLY Glorifies The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Like in the early Church, The Holy Spirit is about to Awaking His dormant Elite!

With all that I am, and He that knocked so long at my door, wants me to sound the alarm and gather my Brothers! Brothers who truly desire to fulfill that spiritual emptiness that runs through every man. That longing in your heart that can ONLY come from being In The Father! Brothers, The King is Calling YOU! Your place is at His Table where His Knights can ONLY Enter and Council with The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What I say is Biblical. (Again if any untruths come out of me may God convict me quickly, and be corrected.) He promises His Faithful People The Keys of Heaven AND Reign with Him! This IS what I believe to True.

I am sure I have mentioned this before about the feeling of poring on to others The Holy Spirit. Today again was like that. My perception of everyday life as changed so that He makes it happen. I mean, if I am seeking God's Heart, it would make sense then I would look at my brothers and sisters with His eyes. I know how I look at my own children. Can I really look upon ALL people, His Children, like I do my sons and daughters? That love is pretty deep. God Loves us, ALL of US, more than I can ever humanly love my beautiful offspring of my own flesh. I can't get my mind around that! But lately when I find myself open, really open to my fellow man, He has shown me their real beauty. This is when I feel The Holy Spirit really come sparking out of and wanting to ?Bless?Heal?Encourage?Lead? my fellow man. However whatever that looks like, it don't matter. Just happens for His reasons.

-May Your Holy Spirit Fill the ones you are about to Awake! May Your Spirit come out of me and do whatever You have me to. God, give all my Brothers who will soon answer Your Call, the Courage that Only You Can Give. My manly courage is not enough, I need Yours! We all do in order to raise Your Banner High! -Amen

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 16 and 17

All my humanness is wanting to "cave" and at least have a big glass of half and half with a little chocolate milk. This is tough! Wow! My family is having BLTs tonight and I have to dig deep or leave while bacon is being fried. Yesterday I grilled for the family and never licked my fingers. It isn't that easy today.

Again I am combining day 16 and 17 together.

Yesterday was a struggle like no other! Just the kids' animal cookies laying on the island looked tough as I walked by. Thank God Almighty for the strength to resist and more importantly, to finish strong.

Since I was convicted to finish this journey strong, The Father is showing me things through The Holy Spirit that is not of this world. I am now convinced in my heart of heart and every part of my being that The Holy Spirit is real and very much ALIVE! The finish to this marathon has to be done sprinting! The Prize is waiting me IF, if I continue to allow His Mighty Spirit to sustain me. I can't do this! at least not alone. This is by Him for Him!

My journey for this 21 days is to allow Him to send His Holy Spirit to me. Everyday is a test of my faithfulness. I still have free will. I still have to pick up my cross and CHOSE Him. Only if I give up my will can He be Free to use His in me.

There is SO MUCH going on and opening up in my spiritual life right now that I can NOT even begin to write it all down. The King is wanting my own willing heart so He can do His work. I am like a sword that is being sharpened prior for battle. Much of what He is showing and telling me is for only me for the time. Soon He will reveal His purpose in me. When this journey of fasting is over, then, and only by His Will, will I be ready for the war that is coming.
-Lord, I humbly ask You King of Kings to Sharpen me. Make me sharp for You and Your Glory alone! May whatever You have me do, I pray You have me do it with excellence, honor and worthy for You Father God!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 15

As this journey continues, the temptations seem to increase with constant physical desire. It's been over two weeks since I have eaten anything. I didn't really choose to do this, I was Convicted to do this. On this journey I have seen and felt The Holy Spirit Working in me which has CONVINCED me that The Holy Spirit is Sustainable. If food is all I have to sacrifice to receive The Gift of God via The Holy Spirit then may I never again put bread to my mouth! His Spirit has "filled" me in a way food could not. What I am learning first hand is this: Only through trials and temptations can I become stronger for His Glory!

I also feel convicted to finish this journey strong. Even though I have not eaten a morsel, I have enjoyed dairy products such as cream in my chocolate milk. No longer. I will only drink water and water based beverages like tea and coffee. I must finish strong! His Kingdom is Worthy of any sacrifice on my behalf!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 14 The Sabbath

The Lord is Good! Say it again, The Lord is Good!

Again I know without any shadow of doubt, the True Sabbath in my heart.

There is so much to do and Thanks be to God, some time yet to get these matters of Life and death moving forward. So long has "my will" forced me to say things that would maybe scare my fellow brothers and sisters. I see how I would loose credibility by not being true to His Spirit. There was always that conviction that would manifest into self guilt. Sin. BUT LET ME TELL YOU THIS! There is Freedom!!! This my brother is the most freeing experience of my forty years of trying it on my own! For the FIRST real TIME I can FINALLY be FREE to GO DO HIS WORK! This is my moment where I bow down to The King, give Him my oath, He anoints me or wields me a Knight worthy for Battle. The Ultimate weapon is being Poured upon me over His 21 days of fasting and praying. The True Spirit of God Himself, The One referred to as The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost! This, satan, is MY Ally and I will not hold It back the rest of my days! You O King Will Fulfill Your Promise by giving Your Children Your Kingdom for All Eternity!

-This my King I humbly offer to You, One Who is Worthy.-

There was always something that kept me out of school. Never could place a finger on "why" I hated going to school. I even would feel guilty for being a school hater. Just didn't get why..., until now. Ready for another egotistical sounding statement. Here's one........ God knew that my weak mind could fall to trickery by the evil one. To be completely honest, I can count on both hands, or maybe just one hand the number of books I have read. Or read to completion. I don't know the exact number but I do understand finally. The statement would say "It is and was Heavenly Powers that I am not a scholar today." There ya go! That's pretty crazy to say I know. You haven't seen nothing yet!

A good friend of mine and I sat and visited last week. I learned from him that there are men and obviously many who believe that The Holy Spirit has been "called off" by God. As my friend said the term and meaning of this belief, I listened closely. I was taken off guard a little. The belief that Holy Spirit is being held back is a belief of the evil one! Do NOT ever let this idea in your head or worse in your heart! People, this is NOT a Biblical Truth to be taken lightly! If The Holy Spirit was "taken away" then why hold to the "trinity" concept? Really! All Hope would be lost and the Book of Life would be another "fiction" book among man! Let me tell you This Truth!,!

The Holy Spirit has and WILL change my perspective about life for my remaining days here on this earth! Boldly saying, healing is taken place right now! Healing that CAN ONLY be done by Someone or Something Holy! This is real! What has me, "shaken in my boots" a little is this vision that is cemented into my being. The premise of my vision or idea is happening right now 'in me by He' is the "Tip of the Iceberg"! This is a game-changer moment! You can I ask my kids this, for months I have said to my family..........Life is about to change like you can't imagine!" I have been saying this to all my family without knowing what that really looked like. Meaning in a more positive way then what I believe is to come later. So many confirmations around me if, IF, I take the time to watch, listen and for me, "feel around". My Father in Heaven wants to Bless only His Faithful servants NOW if, IF the human will is Free enough to allow His Holy Wonder, The Holy Helper, The Holy Hand that Moves the Pieces* on His Board of The Kingdom of Heaven to work!

-God, I humbly ask for the Holy Spirit come upon me and one who reads this as You would have him receive It! Make it clear in the Way You only can!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 13

As the sun sets beautifully in the West tonight, I see the dawn of The Sabbath.

I have been prompted to watch the movie, The Passion.

Saturday evening, 11PM, guess you can call it night. To finish up the day going into the eve of the Sabbath, both Lisa and I along with our kids were attacked. I saw it, felt it, and even bought into it a little. Spiritual Warfare. As I journey and grow stronger in the Holy Spirit the evil lord is threatened. We witnessed many failed attempts by satan the last few days. Several of our children attended Bible School this week. All week I saw the kids battle each other but then also retreat back to His refuge where only He can. My take of this war we were faced with this week.... we, the Morgan family, were for the first real time able to combat back and WIN! I know my human "free will" well enough to know how I react. If I get pissed and fight back at my adversary in the "wrong" way, I damage ones closest to me. When I see character formed through the battle then does real Victory" happen. This is what I witnessed. THANKS BE TO THE HOLY LORD GOD, MAKER AND KEEPER OF ALL!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 11 and 12

I am combining these last two days mainly because the two have similar lessons. Really this whole week has taught me one underline premise. "Living in The Spirit"
See, most people fear what the Holy Spirit can do. Then there are these Christians who really know about the Works of the Spirit but still fear It. Most of these men that I meet start "discerning" themselves right out of the Holy Spirit. "Well I know the charismatic church on the corner of Washington and East 1st believe that way". "It's OK with me as long as they keep it to themselves". Oh, and my favorite, "You have to be very careful with the spiritual stuff, no one can live by that spiritual stuff alone" and "I've seen so many people get 'filled' with the spirit and then loose it the next day". -Face it, most men try to justify their fears! The fact is, The Lord of Lords wants to give us His Chosen People, The Great Helper, The Holy Spirit! We fear it though. I will not be convinced otherwise! I know from personal experience.

My original prayer going into this 21 day fast and prayer was to humbly ask The Father for my, Jeff's mission or place for The Kingdom.

This is what is opening up to me from The Father.

My ultimate stand for The kingdom is yet to come. This I believe unconditionally. Until that time, my heart leans first to Israel. I can't not yet explain why I desire so much to go there, but I do. I will be Patience in Him until that day where He reveals to me His answer of "why".

Raising men to become the king He, The King of Kings, always wanted us to be. This is my vision.......- I see the Elite standing Boldly in these last days while the world crumbles. I see men renewing their spirit in His Glory so they may go do great things in His Great Name of Jesus!!! I see man choosing the world and all it's lusts over The One and True God. I see Good God Fearing men declaring and shouting "Glory be to The Most High" when He Returns to Claim what is Rightfully His. These men who are serving The Lord, doing His Work at the Time of His Return, will Reign with The King for 1000 years. It IS Written. -I want men, men with that passion that just "over flows"! If you ever tried filling that emptiness with something other than Jesus, you know what I mean. There's that part of you that He is prompting, asking you, "Can I come in?".............. What's the answer for The King?

God's Gift to us is LIFE, not just life eternal!!! I am banking, storing up treasures, if you will, for the Next Millennium right now in this mortal world. This life is too short compared to eternity. If I only have today, I better start living for You and Your children now! I pray that You find me serving only You when You call for Your Elite. May Your Name be Glorified through me and my offspring on That Day!

Glory and Honor to You Lord!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 10

Attitude vs Holy Spirit.

This is becoming such a "intense" or "radical" process that words can no longer express! When the Holy Spirit and myself are in tune, such miraculous things happen!!! Let me make this very clear! This is NOT me! The Spirit of The Most Holy can only Come on His people Powerfully who have opened their hearts and ones who truly believes in such a Power. I fall back to the premise of "the Bible says this really happened" and believe that! His Word still trumps man's fear. Right now, throughout the day, sleep,,,,,,really all the time I can sense this physical vacuum upon me. Sort of "electrical"! I feel it when people I take time to really talk to "tap" that same energy from me. It's real! I see it in them! Again, I truly struggle to find earthly words to describe this spiritual climb!

Attitude. I am learning that my attitude is directly related to how "in tune" I am with the Holy Spirit. Satan will not/does not let up in the world around but if my attitude stays in check, His power will overcome that evil. Perspective and knowledge of your enemy's movements will keep your human attitude safe if He is Lord of Life. Know your enemy! My worst days with bad attitude is when I push God away and satan's nets gets cast.

The temptation for the missing elements on this journey still burn in me. It's a physical reminder of His Great Plan for me. This is sustainable. This is real. May I never forget!

Day 9

Again writing the day after the title. -smile. The Day 8 was purposely done the day after but last night I was reminded how human I still am. After watching the best "Little League" game ever, we washed up babies, put them to bed, and then I slept.

Yesterday had several moments where I was reminded of human nature. Human nature is nothing more than "free will" being used or not. If/when the human flesh desire breaks the temptation barrier, then sin becomes clear. Free will is not as "freeing" if without The Holy Spirit.

This leg of the journey has given me perspective about the battle for free will. Satan has his own intention for human free will. He shows many shining elements about free will being good. From free spirit tree hugging to sitting in the Vatican and doing nothing for His cause, satan has also plans.

Make me a warrior for you my King Jesus! Put me in the place where You can be most Glorified!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 8

As I finish up "blogging" about how the Sabbath has changed me forever, this day has mirrored many aspects of the day before.

The guilt or any of the old negative thinking about Sunday was turned to Joy today. We still ran late getting to church. Worshiped with my brothers and sisters. Roger was obviously filled with the Holy Spirit today! He spoke to hearts that were also fertile by the Holy One. But this Sunday seemed freeing in many way like non other! I believe that day 8 was rewarded to me, as well as everyone around me today. Seriously, with a humble heart, I saw This Powerful Holy Spirit come into my life today and fill up many! Lord if I say anything in arrogance of boasting to myself, Lord please guide those words to Glorify You!

My thoughts and spiritual energy is all focused on these "gifts" of The Holy Spirit. This entire concept of having this...Supernatural..Holy and Heavenly........ Wonderful and Powerful, no earthly words can describe the extent of depths and length of The Holy Spirit. To top it off, He The King of Kings and Lord of Lords wants to give it to me..!.. I believe, through me, He can and will Heal many of many things. That's bold, I know. I find myself purposely touching people. I feel something almost physical energy pass from me to another. Maybe a physical touch for encouragement might all that is needed for some. But here again bold here, but I believe He wants me to do MUCH more! My entire 40 years of mortal life has been revealed to me for the sole purpose of Glorifying He, The One Who Sits On The Right Hand Side Of The Father.

I told some people of late some very deep and healing words. Words that will bring further healing. Healing that The Holy Spirit can only do! I sense things now like non other! Both physical and spiritual. I have always been a ''touchy'' type a person but now, it's anguishing finding words to describe! I can't. There seems to be a continuous vacuum around me all the time. It intensifies as The Holy Spirit works in me. Very Powerful yet Gentile.. Peace in peace. I feel lighter, quicker but yet firmly grounded in a foundation of Grace. But now is the time for courage. I believe that Holy Healing can be done through me therefore I must have the courage to do His works and give Him all Glory!

As I finish up this day I want to say this: Time is urgent! My journey as I blog about is only training for the real missions coming up. My sacrifices are still free-willed and mine to break. There will soon come a time where what I am putting myself through now could be forced upon me. Worse, the ones I love. Live today like tomorrow isn't coming! Love with hearts and arms wide open. Allow Him to Love you and you will willing return His love. Once His Love has been discovered, no other humanly love could ever be compared!

Day 7 The Sabbath

There is no doubt God Himself allowed me to live out The Perfect Sabbath. Even on this journey of fog and temptation The Creator of the Heavens and earth gave me rest on His Day. He has fulfilled in me this "unexplained" question I have always had about the Sabbath. God rewards His Faithful for being obedient even if it goes against all worldly logic. I am sold out!

Explain little more later,

Here it is 11PM on Sunday night still writing about yesterday. Yes- Saturday! Here it is laid out in terms I pray that will be understood. Our brothers the Jews still hold the Sabbath correctly . And for the FIRST time in my life of 40 years did I find true rest on the Sabbath.!. I always new and believed that Saturday was truly the Sabbath but never ever used a Saturday and DID IT!!! So I did. This experience has forever changed my perspective about the Real and True Sabbath. No man could ever teach me any different because of what happened to me on God's Holy Day of Rest. Freedom like none other! Desire to read His Word! Finding Holy Peace within this once broken body filled me completely! Confirmed over and over in so many ways, He graced me with. He is worthy to take rest in.

I could fill many blogs writing about my confirmed experiences yesterday. Thank God for this Renewed Spirit He has brought to me.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 6

This has been the most intense day of this almost week long journey. Little fear. Little, "can I do this!". Can't explain the challenges and how they came to play out today. I mean, from sharing the Gospel with, believe it or not, a person who "thinks" he/she is a content Christian. This person is a committed Christian and believes strongly in their beliefs. I honestly could have seen this person's persuasion but their premise didn't quite "fit"my new perspective in His Spirit. There are fundamental differences in where this "today's" Christian and I stack up. How can we declare His Victory over sin and not claim His Promises? Once again as in Th Book of Acts, His Holy Spirit comes to His Chosen people as Promised by Jesus Himself. "I will send you a Helper" did He not say? His Promises are so grand............we can't even put this in to our earthly minds!!! We, measure everything in man's gold not Heavenly Gold. Earth has it's splendor but measures shortly next to the King of King's pastures in Heaven. The Most Powerful Ally we as believers have is the Holy Spirit. Why don't I tap into that Power and use what He has sent to me already and live it out? I used to fear or maybe grieve is a better choice of words The Holy Spirit. One of my wisest counselors, who is a Spirit led man, said to me: "Jeff, if you can overcome your fear, you will gain power from it". I like and believe that. If human struggles and fears can be overcome by this ideology and human nature what Power must be passed when we talk in Heavenly Power through His Mighty Spirit!

All I am getting at is Believe! Believe every last word of the Bible. Believe that our Perfect Saviour was Worthy to Defeat death and Fulfill His Glory.

From temptations like none other, to sharing the Gospel with many, this day has been the best of this journey. As much as it stretched and pulled me in directions I've never been tugged before, it was an honor to serve the King. Everyone has their place and contentment, BUT may You Lord of Lords and King of Kings always keep me from there! May my spirit never be complete until I see you face to face. Blessed are the ones who went before us and saw The Face of The Son of Man. What Power You command in Your willing knights of Your Table. Praise and Glory to He Who is Worthy!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 5

Continuing to be stretched as this journey unfolds. God has found away to keep me focused intently in the Book of Acts. I am curious. As I feel the Holy Spirit pour on me, I am reading how Jesus' Disciples was filled with His Spirit and done great and miraculous feats! Is the same God that allowed Peter, John, Paul and all of His followers the same God I call King of Kings? Can This One Almighty Savior be the same God that lead Moses out of 40 years of wondering be the same Christ that I worship on Sunday morning? The Bible says so.

So here's my understanding of Day 5.

Why would this Great Lord hold back His Mighty Spirit from me?

This is what I am learning, HE DOES NOT HOLD BACK!!! HE is The Omega King! He loves me and all His people! He wants us to accept This Mighty Gift!!! How long has my last 40 been without it! I haven't lived yet! Fill me Lord God with Your Holy Spirit!

I pray that He continues to teaches me how to use His Power in the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 4

Today has continued to baffle me regarding the Power of The Holy Spirit! I feel controlled more by His dwelling than my own will. Day 4 has opened many new doors of possibilities. I find it easier to uplift someone or better said "encourage" my fellow man. Once I recall being on the "need" side of encouragement, seems my turn to do the same and give it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 3

I am ending this Day 3 with watching the second half of my favorite movie of all time, The Return of the King. Extended version. I love this movie in so many ways right down to the title. Think about it, The Return of the King. Kinda powerful statement if you ponder the idea. A mighty king returning to the world of men. Honor and glory are still alive in the heroes of this classic story. Good verses evil. Good is down for the count in every way. No chance of victory, the liabilities out way the advantages by extremes measures. Death is sure.
But when evil is sure of triumph, the valiant hero, the one king that can restore the lands puts together a amazing and heroic campaign. From the ashes of defeat to high glory this man, willing at all times to give his life to the cause, brings order back from confusion. Victory was snatched away from evil on that day. I love this Lord of the Rings story.

I continue in prayer on this day asking my King to clearly show me my mission that will Glorify Him. As I journey forward it's becoming obvious that He is the potter and I His clay. He is shaping me in all spheres. I see and feel the old coming out and the new being renewed in me. Power is on my mind's forefront. Not human power but power that can only come from He, The Lord of Lords Holy Spirit. If Paul and His Chosen Ones harnessed and allowed That Spirit to freely work in their lives and make the unthinkable happen so I wonder why can't I or we?

Pray for me as I ask God to give me the heart to pray for you!

Front Page, WHAT???!!! Obama a god?

Just refreshed my tab @ Fox News, Headlines "OBAMA A GOD"! This is happening much faster than expected.!.

OK. It's time I spilled my guts.

Think as if it was a chess game. Board is set. Clock starts ticking. Weak side moves first. Game on.

The game progresses. One side finds an advantage and prepares his strengths and wisely looks at the table, in his mind, from his opponent's perception. Makes the decision to muster the courage along with his wisdom to strike that last remaining critical piece. The piece or peace is won but surrender still remains for the rejected loosing king.

If you could imagine with me this: From the time of The King of Kings returns to Heaven nearly 2000 years ago to where we are at now, today. Think with me now. Like a timetable.?. The clock started when He left earth. The Bible is clear about being an end too. Now, question is, where are we now at regarding the time table or chess game. There has to be a end? Remember, I am talking about a chess game. Some body will ultimately lose. Someone always looses. If anyone strives for a goal worthy enough, you should understand. Following?

Here is what I think. Please use any Bible you wish but must use both New and old Testaments. Use a website like "Rapture Ready" or look for yourselves ALL the Scripture that says different than I write about. If something I say or write isn't complete truth from Biblical Truths then call me a liar. But I do this on a fly, don't reference myself well, He is still defining me.

I, Jeff Morgan with all my spirit believes we are where no one wants to be in all history. Talking chess. We are IN "checkmate"!!! We as Christian HAVE to rise up now! It's urgent like no other time! The enemy has us in a place like humans have never been in before. Mankind has the power to destroy every person on His earth. All you have to do is read the Headlines in every media source. The enemy will look to see the Righteous King be brought to His knees BUT will be gravely disappointed when Our King again Defeats satan. Our King will soon reappear to find the enemy pretending to be the Righteous King. The Real Deal King will defeat His weaker enemy and bind him for One Thousand Years. This is Biblical fact. His faithful warrior servants still doing His work when He returns will Rule with Him during satan's bondage. We are at that critical "churning" point where everyone knows exactly what side he stands on. I use "churn" because in churning the heavy cream comes to the top. Thats what His people HAVE to do NOW! Evil is very attactive when descised by man.

Man will lead satan to this earthly throne. This enemy will be from man. Man will see another man and crown him "god" and praise him because he comes in "peace''. Our enemy knows exactly what man is seeking! With the world being one now, he, the evil lord, will try to seek that throne. The game peices are set, clock is on it's last few ticks, we are in checkmate, the enemy is so close I can feel his evil. But take courage, if choosen your side right, you and I are on desentened to have victory through He.

Awaiting His Glorious Return,