Monday, November 9, 2009

Something About Fridays

It's been awhile since I set down to share my thoughts blogging. It's harder than I expected returning to writing. Not sure why. Actually I do but that's what is so hard to write about.

For sometime the premise of my blogging has been to challenge and inspire men. Since my last blog, life has changed in ways words can not describe. In one week, Friday to Friday, I saw and felt His Holy Spirit Work in so many ways that it......changes perspective to say the least.

Heard said, "seeing death changes a man". I believe that statement to be true. However, what is really life changing is "seeing Life in death". In one week, Friday to Friday I saw my dad close to what might have been his demise if not for intervention. Then the following Friday I see my son Cael Daniel born. Now what I dare not write about is what happened in the other days in between. What I will write about and share is the Goodness of our Lord Jesus!


The kind of healing I saw was not the kind of healing most would understand. And that's OK because we serve a Mighty Big God and His Healing is Perfect. Relationship, personal and spiritual healing all was extended to me in this short time frame. What was most impressive was to see others also find His Healing. My loved ones found healing that could only be orchestrated by a Loving God. No mortal man could have "made" these situations right.

Because of time and being tired, I am going to "lump sum" this together.

There is and can be healing in the generation before you and the generation of your children. I pray for all men to break any curse that stops them from healing. In order for our children to be free to really experience His Grace and Mercies then we as fathers MUST go to whatever lengths necessary to heal completely as a man first.

Awaiting His Glorious Return,

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