Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 8

As I finish up "blogging" about how the Sabbath has changed me forever, this day has mirrored many aspects of the day before.

The guilt or any of the old negative thinking about Sunday was turned to Joy today. We still ran late getting to church. Worshiped with my brothers and sisters. Roger was obviously filled with the Holy Spirit today! He spoke to hearts that were also fertile by the Holy One. But this Sunday seemed freeing in many way like non other! I believe that day 8 was rewarded to me, as well as everyone around me today. Seriously, with a humble heart, I saw This Powerful Holy Spirit come into my life today and fill up many! Lord if I say anything in arrogance of boasting to myself, Lord please guide those words to Glorify You!

My thoughts and spiritual energy is all focused on these "gifts" of The Holy Spirit. This entire concept of having this...Supernatural..Holy and Heavenly........ Wonderful and Powerful, no earthly words can describe the extent of depths and length of The Holy Spirit. To top it off, He The King of Kings and Lord of Lords wants to give it to me..!.. I believe, through me, He can and will Heal many of many things. That's bold, I know. I find myself purposely touching people. I feel something almost physical energy pass from me to another. Maybe a physical touch for encouragement might all that is needed for some. But here again bold here, but I believe He wants me to do MUCH more! My entire 40 years of mortal life has been revealed to me for the sole purpose of Glorifying He, The One Who Sits On The Right Hand Side Of The Father.

I told some people of late some very deep and healing words. Words that will bring further healing. Healing that The Holy Spirit can only do! I sense things now like non other! Both physical and spiritual. I have always been a ''touchy'' type a person but now, it's anguishing finding words to describe! I can't. There seems to be a continuous vacuum around me all the time. It intensifies as The Holy Spirit works in me. Very Powerful yet Gentile.. Peace in peace. I feel lighter, quicker but yet firmly grounded in a foundation of Grace. But now is the time for courage. I believe that Holy Healing can be done through me therefore I must have the courage to do His works and give Him all Glory!

As I finish up this day I want to say this: Time is urgent! My journey as I blog about is only training for the real missions coming up. My sacrifices are still free-willed and mine to break. There will soon come a time where what I am putting myself through now could be forced upon me. Worse, the ones I love. Live today like tomorrow isn't coming! Love with hearts and arms wide open. Allow Him to Love you and you will willing return His love. Once His Love has been discovered, no other humanly love could ever be compared!

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