Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 3

I am ending this Day 3 with watching the second half of my favorite movie of all time, The Return of the King. Extended version. I love this movie in so many ways right down to the title. Think about it, The Return of the King. Kinda powerful statement if you ponder the idea. A mighty king returning to the world of men. Honor and glory are still alive in the heroes of this classic story. Good verses evil. Good is down for the count in every way. No chance of victory, the liabilities out way the advantages by extremes measures. Death is sure.
But when evil is sure of triumph, the valiant hero, the one king that can restore the lands puts together a amazing and heroic campaign. From the ashes of defeat to high glory this man, willing at all times to give his life to the cause, brings order back from confusion. Victory was snatched away from evil on that day. I love this Lord of the Rings story.

I continue in prayer on this day asking my King to clearly show me my mission that will Glorify Him. As I journey forward it's becoming obvious that He is the potter and I His clay. He is shaping me in all spheres. I see and feel the old coming out and the new being renewed in me. Power is on my mind's forefront. Not human power but power that can only come from He, The Lord of Lords Holy Spirit. If Paul and His Chosen Ones harnessed and allowed That Spirit to freely work in their lives and make the unthinkable happen so I wonder why can't I or we?

Pray for me as I ask God to give me the heart to pray for you!

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