Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 5

Continuing to be stretched as this journey unfolds. God has found away to keep me focused intently in the Book of Acts. I am curious. As I feel the Holy Spirit pour on me, I am reading how Jesus' Disciples was filled with His Spirit and done great and miraculous feats! Is the same God that allowed Peter, John, Paul and all of His followers the same God I call King of Kings? Can This One Almighty Savior be the same God that lead Moses out of 40 years of wondering be the same Christ that I worship on Sunday morning? The Bible says so.

So here's my understanding of Day 5.

Why would this Great Lord hold back His Mighty Spirit from me?

This is what I am learning, HE DOES NOT HOLD BACK!!! HE is The Omega King! He loves me and all His people! He wants us to accept This Mighty Gift!!! How long has my last 40 been without it! I haven't lived yet! Fill me Lord God with Your Holy Spirit!

I pray that He continues to teaches me how to use His Power in the Holy Spirit.

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