Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 15

As this journey continues, the temptations seem to increase with constant physical desire. It's been over two weeks since I have eaten anything. I didn't really choose to do this, I was Convicted to do this. On this journey I have seen and felt The Holy Spirit Working in me which has CONVINCED me that The Holy Spirit is Sustainable. If food is all I have to sacrifice to receive The Gift of God via The Holy Spirit then may I never again put bread to my mouth! His Spirit has "filled" me in a way food could not. What I am learning first hand is this: Only through trials and temptations can I become stronger for His Glory!

I also feel convicted to finish this journey strong. Even though I have not eaten a morsel, I have enjoyed dairy products such as cream in my chocolate milk. No longer. I will only drink water and water based beverages like tea and coffee. I must finish strong! His Kingdom is Worthy of any sacrifice on my behalf!

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