Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 11 and 12

I am combining these last two days mainly because the two have similar lessons. Really this whole week has taught me one underline premise. "Living in The Spirit"
See, most people fear what the Holy Spirit can do. Then there are these Christians who really know about the Works of the Spirit but still fear It. Most of these men that I meet start "discerning" themselves right out of the Holy Spirit. "Well I know the charismatic church on the corner of Washington and East 1st believe that way". "It's OK with me as long as they keep it to themselves". Oh, and my favorite, "You have to be very careful with the spiritual stuff, no one can live by that spiritual stuff alone" and "I've seen so many people get 'filled' with the spirit and then loose it the next day". -Face it, most men try to justify their fears! The fact is, The Lord of Lords wants to give us His Chosen People, The Great Helper, The Holy Spirit! We fear it though. I will not be convinced otherwise! I know from personal experience.

My original prayer going into this 21 day fast and prayer was to humbly ask The Father for my, Jeff's mission or place for The Kingdom.

This is what is opening up to me from The Father.

My ultimate stand for The kingdom is yet to come. This I believe unconditionally. Until that time, my heart leans first to Israel. I can't not yet explain why I desire so much to go there, but I do. I will be Patience in Him until that day where He reveals to me His answer of "why".

Raising men to become the king He, The King of Kings, always wanted us to be. This is my vision.......- I see the Elite standing Boldly in these last days while the world crumbles. I see men renewing their spirit in His Glory so they may go do great things in His Great Name of Jesus!!! I see man choosing the world and all it's lusts over The One and True God. I see Good God Fearing men declaring and shouting "Glory be to The Most High" when He Returns to Claim what is Rightfully His. These men who are serving The Lord, doing His Work at the Time of His Return, will Reign with The King for 1000 years. It IS Written. -I want men, men with that passion that just "over flows"! If you ever tried filling that emptiness with something other than Jesus, you know what I mean. There's that part of you that He is prompting, asking you, "Can I come in?".............. What's the answer for The King?

God's Gift to us is LIFE, not just life eternal!!! I am banking, storing up treasures, if you will, for the Next Millennium right now in this mortal world. This life is too short compared to eternity. If I only have today, I better start living for You and Your children now! I pray that You find me serving only You when You call for Your Elite. May Your Name be Glorified through me and my offspring on That Day!

Glory and Honor to You Lord!

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