Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 7 The Sabbath

There is no doubt God Himself allowed me to live out The Perfect Sabbath. Even on this journey of fog and temptation The Creator of the Heavens and earth gave me rest on His Day. He has fulfilled in me this "unexplained" question I have always had about the Sabbath. God rewards His Faithful for being obedient even if it goes against all worldly logic. I am sold out!

Explain little more later,

Here it is 11PM on Sunday night still writing about yesterday. Yes- Saturday! Here it is laid out in terms I pray that will be understood. Our brothers the Jews still hold the Sabbath correctly . And for the FIRST time in my life of 40 years did I find true rest on the Sabbath.!. I always new and believed that Saturday was truly the Sabbath but never ever used a Saturday and DID IT!!! So I did. This experience has forever changed my perspective about the Real and True Sabbath. No man could ever teach me any different because of what happened to me on God's Holy Day of Rest. Freedom like none other! Desire to read His Word! Finding Holy Peace within this once broken body filled me completely! Confirmed over and over in so many ways, He graced me with. He is worthy to take rest in.

I could fill many blogs writing about my confirmed experiences yesterday. Thank God for this Renewed Spirit He has brought to me.

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