Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Front Page, WHAT???!!! Obama a god?

Just refreshed my tab @ Fox News, Headlines "OBAMA A GOD"! This is happening much faster than expected.!.

OK. It's time I spilled my guts.

Think as if it was a chess game. Board is set. Clock starts ticking. Weak side moves first. Game on.

The game progresses. One side finds an advantage and prepares his strengths and wisely looks at the table, in his mind, from his opponent's perception. Makes the decision to muster the courage along with his wisdom to strike that last remaining critical piece. The piece or peace is won but surrender still remains for the rejected loosing king.

If you could imagine with me this: From the time of The King of Kings returns to Heaven nearly 2000 years ago to where we are at now, today. Think with me now. Like a timetable.?. The clock started when He left earth. The Bible is clear about being an end too. Now, question is, where are we now at regarding the time table or chess game. There has to be a end? Remember, I am talking about a chess game. Some body will ultimately lose. Someone always looses. If anyone strives for a goal worthy enough, you should understand. Following?

Here is what I think. Please use any Bible you wish but must use both New and old Testaments. Use a website like "Rapture Ready" or look for yourselves ALL the Scripture that says different than I write about. If something I say or write isn't complete truth from Biblical Truths then call me a liar. But I do this on a fly, don't reference myself well, He is still defining me.

I, Jeff Morgan with all my spirit believes we are where no one wants to be in all history. Talking chess. We are IN "checkmate"!!! We as Christian HAVE to rise up now! It's urgent like no other time! The enemy has us in a place like humans have never been in before. Mankind has the power to destroy every person on His earth. All you have to do is read the Headlines in every media source. The enemy will look to see the Righteous King be brought to His knees BUT will be gravely disappointed when Our King again Defeats satan. Our King will soon reappear to find the enemy pretending to be the Righteous King. The Real Deal King will defeat His weaker enemy and bind him for One Thousand Years. This is Biblical fact. His faithful warrior servants still doing His work when He returns will Rule with Him during satan's bondage. We are at that critical "churning" point where everyone knows exactly what side he stands on. I use "churn" because in churning the heavy cream comes to the top. Thats what His people HAVE to do NOW! Evil is very attactive when descised by man.

Man will lead satan to this earthly throne. This enemy will be from man. Man will see another man and crown him "god" and praise him because he comes in "peace''. Our enemy knows exactly what man is seeking! With the world being one now, he, the evil lord, will try to seek that throne. The game peices are set, clock is on it's last few ticks, we are in checkmate, the enemy is so close I can feel his evil. But take courage, if choosen your side right, you and I are on desentened to have victory through He.

Awaiting His Glorious Return,

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