Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 1

As I look back over the course of the day, all I can say is Wow! Unbelievable! or any other word that describes awe.
If this is only the start of a 21 day journey, I look forward to what The Lord of Lords has in store!

May this be my prayer for the next 20 days..........

Lord God King of the All that Is! For the rest of my days, may all of my human free will be humbly Yours to do with whatever You King Jesus leads me to do. I want nothing more of this world BUT to seek You out in it. May Your Holy Spirit fill in me with the same love You have for Your people.

Forgive me Father God. I have fallen short of Your Glory. I am a sinner. The worst sinner I know. But through Your Amazing Love and Grace, You Lord and Lord Alone has freed me from the bonds of my sins!!! May I never forget that! Today I am secure in You.

Make the task You and You alone have for me be clear. You alone know my heart best. Make me Your vessel. Make me Your servant among Your people. Pray to You Lord for Your Mighty Strength to be in me all the time.

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