Thursday, August 27, 2009

Morgan Ministries

I am going all out saying this, but I am meant to have a ministry. I know everyone is called to their own ministry in their own way. I get that. What I am talking about here is more of a "public" ministry. The word "ministry" does get used often to describe someone working the enhance the Kingdom of God. That's just it, I want or long for serving The King of Kings every moment of everyday! Not just in serving by action but in prayer and physical interaction. "Public" meaning going out of my own comfort to meet people and accept them no matter what the condition I find them in. I want a heart to see my fellow man as The Father sees His People! I want to learn to love in a way He Loves! This is the REAL heart of this mortal man.

Morgan Ministries will consist of us, the Morgans. Our life will be a living-breathing example of God's Love and Grace. The Morgan's have life stories that can/will impact people and ultimately brings glory to The Lord Jesus! We have seen God's Grace and Mercy throughout our entire lives. Both Lisa and I lived brokenness and cursed lives and only by God's Perfect Love can we be victorious in our mortal lives today! We both bring to the ministry life lessons that can be taught (with His Wisdom) and two people who LOVE to teach! Lisa's story is one of motherly love and how God can take pieces of brokenness and make beautiful Glory to Himself. I bring a side of "fatherhood" and "manhood" that most men dare not even imagine! Both Lisa and I stories will meet people where they are at AND give back encouragement to any situation.

More to come. Know this my readers, Big, big changes are about to happen in many lives! May The King of Kings continue to give me the heart of love for my brother so I may help nurture each one who needs. May His Might and Glory be demonstrated through Morgan Ministries

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