Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This has been a day of Godly Wonders and Beauty coming into life by the realities of His Love. The Lord must feel His People's love in return this time of year surely.? It's Christmas time for His Name sake! Surely His Own Chosen........His Own are CELEBRATING!!?? Are We!!?? really?..

There are many ways I could lead into the premise of this blog. That's often my problem, too many ideas and not enough writing. Think with me a bit here. Challenge your thinking.

What is at your core? I mean really. What do you believe? How about .. hope. What do you truly hope for? Is there anything outside the reality of our eyes? Is all that stuff Jesus and His Followers did just stuff? IS there more to life than just me? And my relationship with Jesus? What about Jesus in a concert with others? How Awesome IS He Who CAN be in so Many!?!?

At the core of the human soul is where The Holy Spirit can and WILL change a man. A change that will shake the very foundations of that core if He so desires. The believing in "God" changes to a new level. A new passion springs up within that man to join a Holy Living Spirit rooting deeper in that foundation. Life changes. Fruits grow to validate the change. The best part is giving it all away! As we receive His Gifts and Blessings, they become ours to give away. If we don't, the fruit...... the fruit will wither and die.

So when I change a premise of my core beliefs, I ponder and pray for long periods of time. Ask my family. I get "lost" in it often. -Pondering and prayer. oh, by the way, you pray ALL the time! Where are our thoughts? Anyway, I had something "shift" in my foundation. A shift that also changed the shape of a belief. A belief that changed my thinking and the way I must conduct my own life.

We can make a difference if we really believe we can. That's the trick though. Believing.

Believe and go make this Christmas a Christmas worthy of The Name is Represents!

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