Thursday, December 10, 2009

Inspired Again!

I am not sure if it's the world we live in or if my eyes are not open enough, but either way, I find it hard to be inspired in today's world. Spiritually speaking. This world we live in is so fake and spiritually dead that it's hard to find inspiration anymore. We have no more "good guy" kind of heroes in our world of today. Even our sport figures have no honor anymore. Money, glory and selfishness is the attitudes of the blessed of today. Shame? That is yet to be determined, isn't it? Still, a inspired moment may be rare, but by God's Grace, still happens. What's even more grand is when theses "spiritual inspirations'' happen right in front of you (me)! I'd like to share a couple from these last few days.

Last week I had a old friend leave his earthly body and be reunited with his Heavenly Father. At my friend's funeral service I experienced one of those "moments". For my friend was a member of a large church here in my community and the ( I guess they call "senior pastor") performed the service. This pastor, he was able to speak to the hearts of the people my friend loved and do so in the most loving and sincere way.!. I was amazed how "deep" and "in tune" he was in The Spirit! Anyway, as I listened with my son Caleb there in the pew with me, I realized that this was not a funeral, but a celebration! A celebration of a life, a life of a man who LOVED life and the good that is of God. My friend was just that, good and full of God's love.

Often people ask me, "what's it like having 9 children?" I tell them, "I do not know any different." What's it like having 2 children? I can't relate.?.? What I can not get my mind around is being alone. Being without Lisa and my babies would be.....well....suffering......
I have a friend who has been alone for quite sometime and in many ways, suffering. My friend has been praying for a Christ-centered mate for a longtime and Our Lord Jesus came through! God is Good! No longer will my friend have to walk the journey of life alone any longer. This news brought me tears of joy and inspiration to a man who has more than his fair share of God's blessings. Again, God is Good!

Honestly, I have many more inspired moments that need to be shared. However these two are related in many ways. Not just because of the obvious. Not because of one friend's death and another coming into life again. There is something else bigger going on here. These two friends share or shared many common bonds including loving Jesus. I know each person would want and desires others to "come to Jesus" through their own life story. And it's my job, to share their victories in my life so others to may be inspired. Inspiration MUST BE SHARED.

I pray that blessings through inspiration continues to flow in my community. I pray that each man finds his inspiration and calls upon The Lord Jesus for the wisdom and courage to give it away. What God gives us is not meant for us to keep. Whatever gifts God gave me.....I ask it to be poured out upon my brothers!

Go be a inspiration to someone today!

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