Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Wonder and Mystery of a Snow Storm

The great snow storm of 09 is just now starting to show it's true nature as I write today. What power God has even as something so small to him. I pray families use this day as a binding moment as well as any opportunity to bring new comers into the Kingdom. His Glory will ALWAYS be shown in whatever weather He blesses us with!

I have thinking about The Wonder and Mystery of Our Lord God lately. Christmas season and all....... So often have I limited who He is or what He could be in my life by the constraint of my own sin. The one thing that keeps His People from Himself.

That in itself is pretty to deep for man to understand isn't it? The King of Kings is SO Holy, so HOLY, that not even a "speck" of sin Can or Will part of His Presence. !!! A common error in life by everyone now and who ever was. The one error that all of mankind was cursed with from birth. The curse of death. But we His People serve a Victorious King! A Kingly King that Went ahead of us and physically broke that curse for us! He Himself had to face death, torture and public humiliation, but that's another season to celebrate.

This is why He, This ALL Holy, ALL Loving and ALL Just Father had to send A Son, His One and Only Son.......A Perfect Sacrifice in Jesus, The Christ and Messiah, The Promised One.

Rejoice that we have a Father God and King Who Loves His People SO so much...............we can celebrate His Birth...........still. I pray that this Christmas season be filled with The Wonder and Mystery of our Mighty Lord like no other time in history!!! Bring back "The reason for the season" logo! : )

I do pray for everyman who loves his own and children. The men who would lay down their own life to save his child's. As a man, I know we have thought it. We have and do. If the time would come to save a life of his own family, any man would make that sacrifice. BUT in NOWAY!!! would I or could I even imagine sacrificing my children for ANYONE!!! That thinking is not even normal. In fact, men and women who have lost a child by death and find glory to God in are my hero! I simply can not imagine it.

Men.... This is what OUR Father Did for you and me.... does He Loves us....that much?!?! In my time of prayer, this is what I pray....May everyman in my community and all over His Creation come to see His Mighty Wonder! I pray the each and every man who calls You Lord Jesus in this Christmas season REALLY comes to the understanding of His sacrifice. I pray that each man finds his own calling from The King of Kings. And in his own calling, find the courage to follow through with it! Wisdom, Courage and Faith in Jesus is very powerful! Be ready men of The Most High!!!

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