Friday, July 24, 2009

This Just In.....Again

I can't help but to update this page.

Encouragement!!! We need it! Everyone of The Father's Created Chosen Ones need each other to survive this mortal life!.!. Satan is on the prowl men!!! He can and will use everything he can to defeat man at this hour of this age. Forgive each other of sins and pray to God for the Power to forgive yourself. Little hope for man without self forgiveness. Without self forgiveness a man can't truly surrender to the Holy Spirit fully. And without a solid line, via the Holy Spirit, to The Holy Father, God Almighty we can only experience mortal encouragement. Encouragement with The Power of The Holy Spirit is Limitless! I know when satan is pounding away at me and I try to fight back but try to do it on my own. This could be my defeat if I allow it and not ask for God's Gift to us, The Holy Spirit. Self will and self forgiveness are one! Allow Conviction and NOT worldy condemnation to be the test waters of satan's temptations.

For me to put to practice, my physical being will match my spiritual being as well. For me to believe UNCONDITIONALLY His Mighty Powers in me, will first start of the healing of my own body.

Fight Hard....Love Harder Men of God!

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