Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This Just In! Part Three

Most of the people close to me know that I often flirt with living on the "edge". With saying that I will continue to press on in hope that through my personality He will be Glorified.

Currently I am in the middle of writing about how the world is ripe for a "evil overthrow". This subject is very deep and forces me to use God's Word in conjunction with current world events. However, I needed a "reprieve" or a break from the research because the fact is this truth is not pretty to write about.

So today and tonight my thoughts have been focused on Jesus' life and how He was rejected by His own people. Truth is, He was put to death by the hands of the religious leaders and not Pilot. I always thought Pilot was given a bad rap for the crucifixion of Jesus. The Jewish leaders at the time was so afraid of losing power that they freed a murderer in order to hang The Christ. This is well documented in the Gospels.

Here's the premise of my thoughts.

What would happen today in the Christian church if Jesus came to earth the same way He did 2000 years ago? Would the "Christian" leaders of today reject Him and have Him written off as a crazy man? Would the church today condemn The Rightful King to death again? Has the church today turned to man's view point of the Bible rather than their own convictions of His Word?

I ask these questions only to answer them myself. My answers may be surprising.

There is NO doubt in my opinion that today's church would indeed deny Christ. Maybe not every church individually but the church as a whole. The Catholic Vatican would be the first to reject The King. Then many of the weaker "denominations" would quickly follow suit. See that's just it. The church today is so wrapped up in "denomination" or better described as man's point of view that God's Word becomes second. I could envision today's church leaders sitting in a committee where satan has a foothold and doing EXACTLY what the Jewish leaders did 2000 years ago!

Sorry. Not really sorry in the way of apologizing but in the spirit of pity. I guess I have lost the confidence in the leaders of the church. Over and over have I seen and heard men (and women, sadly) being put into church leadership roles like elder and deacon based on the amount of money they have spent in the local church. This gives way to believe that not only man is willing to sell their own soul for money and power but also willing to sell out the body of Christ. Again I want to emphasize that not all local churches are selling out. There are churches that stay true to God's Word and are willing to go to any length to make sure Truth is practiced. However we are losing more than we are gaining.

Earlier I mentioned "denominations" and how mankind follows the law of man before the Word of God. Are we (men) so weak in faith that the Word is not enough?! I see daily how John Calvin's writings or opinion is being considered equal to Paul's letters. Don't get me wrong, what Calvin and other reformers did years ago was courageous and God ordained. Each one of these Godly men who took on the Roman Catholic iron fists and said ENOUGH is to be honored. But because these men were/are Godly men, I would dare to say they would NOT want their teachings to be equal to God's Word. But today's godly men would rather ride the shirt tails of these reformers rather than finding their own way through the Word of God. Honestly, of course this is my opinion, today's man in faith is not only weak in mind but weaker in the Holy Spirit! And again, these are the men in the church leadership. It's no wonder why churches, schools and the worst even, the family are in disarray or lost.

With saying all of that, I believe there is Hope still! Action must follow and be in line with Godly Hope. But He, the All in All God of Hope can and will change the hearts of man IF the action is allowing His Spirit to control the self-will in each man! Does that make sense?

Lord Jesus-
I pray for my brothers that each man who calls you God finds Your Will. Your yoke is lighter and Your Way brighter! I pray for men, all men to give You a chance. May You Father send Your Holy Spirit to men who seek Your Will. Lord, please bless those who call upon You and relinquish their own free will in sake of finding The Holy Spirit.

Thank You Lord Jesus! Thank You!

Awaiting Your Glorious Return,

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