Saturday, October 10, 2009

Time to Take The Offensive Part 1

Anybody else tired of waiting for someone to come along and make everything right? I can't remember the exact numbers of the population of "registered" voters in the 08 election. But what I do recall is the current president winning tens of millions of, well (legal?) votes on the promise he was the hope. People flocked to the polls last November to "pull" for the man who was going to bring justice, peace and resolve back to America. The tens of millions are still waiting mister president. Sadly, so is EVERYONE else on this earth.

I start with the above paragraph because "waiting" IS EXACTLY the thing evil thrives on. If nothing is done, evil endures. What happens when good people do nothing? We as believers have done just that!!! NOTHING!! Wake up!!! Does NOT the Bible speak of this?! Our road was NOT meant to be easily trotted. But for some reason we look to man to save up from this part of the journey. What man ever lead long and did nothing?! Wake the hell UP!!!

As a FOX news watcher (and I will say avid listener of only a few programs on that network), the world as we know it is is GREAT despair. This being said only in relevance to what REALLY is going on around the globe. PEOPLE!- We are in place in history where we as the human race has never before ventured! Mankind's peril is about to be put to the brink!

Why do we, (me included) spend SO much time waiting??? I hear God's People who I know loves The Father say ALL the time, "I will be patient and wait on God" - "All in God's time" - "God's Will in His time" - "God's Leading will be clear" one of my favorites, "I'll pray on that and ask for God's Will" WHAT???!!! Why? Is this what Jesus Did? How about Paul and Peter in The Book of Acts?

There is wisdom waiting for The Lord, It Is Written. But sticking our heads deep into the sand while the world rots away is NOT wisdom. Are we not called to do/be more than just wise? This attitude of today's pew warmers of "waiting" does NOT line up with what Jesus said and did. We NEED God's People in ACTION!!! HEAR THIS!!! Please! For the Sake of His Name WAKE UP!!!

For all the sleepy heads, I'll make you a deal. You see, I want in the game! I too was once sleepy and liked the softness of the "sidelines". But when Coach Christ looked at me and said "You are in Morgan", I gotta go! Just the idea of The King of Kings asking me to be a part of His team is humbling. Now He is telling me to "take the ball" and DO something with it! He reminds me that He will NEVER leave or forsake me in my efforts. Even if I stumble and fumble (like I have my whole life) His Grace is enough!

Part 2 coming!

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