Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sharing Thoughts

I am going to just lay this out here publicly. This is my attempt to write or verbalize what I TRULY believe The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is prompting me to do. This is man who can't get enough of His Love! Every part of me is in awe of His Love, Mercies and Grace! My life has been TRANSFORMED by The Blood of The Lamb! It's my mortal human will is now publicly His! Now I commit and turn over EVERYTHING, and I mean everything!!! that I have and ever will have to further The King's Kingdom!!!

The other day I wrote about a line drawn to represent "a fresh start" . Well, He showed me the "fresh start" is relationship and mission. I am for the first time, (I think) seeing why The Great and Loving Father made me the me I am. So long did I close my eyes to the goodness from Him in me. Instead I got lost in the negativeness of myself. This was satan's greatest weapon against me. To make a long story short, I can simply say this to define me to a TEE:
"I was once lost, but He saved me. Yesterday I was dead, but by Your Love and Grace!!!, Today I live!!!

Now for the first time in my life I see the path to go on. Never could I see past the end of my fat/rubbery nose to God's Promises. My action now is to finish strong serving Him and forever giving The Rightful King Glory! We are ALL in! Sold out to the Promises He has for me and family! I AM going to Jordan and God Willing, Lebanon to serve my enemy.....This is something I HAVE to do. All logic says not to. In fact this may be the most illogical thing I have ever done! (You need to understand, that's saying a long list)

I feel obligated to LEAD of group of young men in God's Word about Bible heroes. Why this group of young men? No logical explanation really but a prompting I can not ignore. Pray for our young men!

Coming in November I will be walking around the state capital building for 24 hours. The premise of this feat is to remind my brothers to come join me again in January when the legislation session begins. We as a men who wave the banner of The King NEED to find a fight worth fighting!!! Guess what men, it's OK to fight. Really it is. GO FIGHT a battle worthy of cause. Get behind something that represents the Good of Our Lord and be willing to lay it all out!

This year for Thanksgiving our Morgan family will be serving dinner in a shelter somewhere. To truly love The Father is to love ALL of His Peoples. God prompted everyone from Lisa and I to the little ones. Praise God that my children have a place at His Table! Thank You Jesus for Making that Sacrifice!

As soon as possible Morgan Ministries will be "Kicking Off" fund raising efforts. With relying only on Him, Lisa and I are going out telling "our stories" both together and individually. Not only do we desire funds to do His work in the Morgan Ministries organization but we will continue to support existing ministries locally, and internationally. One internationally I support is Zola Levitt's Ministries. (Zola, we miss you!) To aid our efforts, we Morgan Ministries are applying for non-profit in order to be better stewards of His provisions.

In closing this "Sharing Thoughts" blog I NEED to say this. Morgan Ministries is (soon) a full time service for The King. I will, with prayer and fasting, go anywhere and do anything to serve Our Jesus! I say to my fellow man.....If there is something you have a passion for, a dream of seeing something done to Glorify Him, please contact me. I, Jeff, vow to be the arm of The Body of Christ. I will, if funds can be arranged, do ANYTHING to see The King of Kings and Our Lord of Lords Glorified!!!

Awaiting His Return,

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