Thursday, December 31, 2009

Been There, Done That

According to the calender, the 09 year has come to the end. With the changing of the year many people (including myself) look back over the past and try to determine if it was a good year or a bad one. Speaking for myself, the 09 year was by far the BEST year of my life! -never before have I said that-

The 09 year was filled with God's Mercies and Wonders. Looking back over the year(s) I can finally say "God is Good"! Peace, serenity and love for others is the "nut shell" of blessings I experienced in the previous year. Jeff Morgan came ALIVE and The Word of God became real for the first time. My journey began. And now continues.

There was so many moments this year I could write about. Moments when I saw and witnessed The Holy Spirit work in ways.........that I would never thought possible. The birth of my son Cael Daniel was no doubt one of the highlights. That day will forever be a day that changed my life. If you are interested in the details of that day, please read Lisa's (my wife's) personal "blog" at .

In the week prior to Cael's arrival my dad was told he had cancer. On the day he was hospitalized, God poured His Spirit on me. Long story shortened, while the doctor was cutting and removing the cancer tumors out of dad, The Holy Spirit showed up. While I was in the waiting room a older gentleman was nervously awaiting his doctor's appointment. At first I just listened to a conversation this man (Larry) was having with a little old lady. I could tell he didn't want to be there but he was trying to make the best of it. When the lady left the waiting room I introduced myself, told him what was happening with my dad. Larry seemed quite shaken to the point he teared up and told me his story.

Larry lost a grand daughter in a car accident 2 year ago. She was not yet a teenager and in tears this man admitted the "unforgiven" in his heart for the man responsible for the accident. Sadly, the man who he said was the "blame" was his grand daughter's other grandpa. Whoa! He went on sharing with me like we knew each other for years. More unresolved guilt and sins were admitted as we continued. Through this, I felt and saw a change in him and me! The nurse came in to tell me dad was out of recovery but I closed the door on her (nicely) for a moment. In that moment, a OVERWHELMING spirit of either courage or ???????....... came over me. Larry was standing there and we embraced. I looked him in the eye and told him there is a God who loved him. I told him no matter what he (and I) had done in the past, this God I know is a God of redemption and forgiveness. He prayed and asked JESUS for salvation!!! By this time the nurse was wanting my attention and had reopened the door. Two nurses saw this man praying and weeping in joy. Lord, Thank You for that day!

The very next day in the Oskaloosa Hospital parking lot something else as powerful happened. Another man was healed in a way I can't explain. In fact, I will not even try. It was one of those moments I believe that is meant to remain secert. There is a fine-line between boasting self and glorifying The Real Reason for that man's healing. Again, Thank You Jesus!

During the 09 year God gave me a new heart. A new love for people maybe better said. This new ability to love my brother and sister was induced by fasting and praying for 21 days. My pastor invited the congregation to engage in a 21 fast while teaching from the book of Daniel. The idea challenged me at the core. So, under a strong conviction I set out on the 21 day journey. I had NO idea what God was up to. Again, if interested, I documented the journey day by day. (The details are archived in the month of June.)

Love. Love. Love The Lord God with all your heart, mind and soul. Love your brother as well and do so in the way you love yourself. This is what Jesus said was the greatest of all commandments. Love.

It took me 40 years to finally figure out what He meant. This year I had to learn the hardest part of the equation by coming to terms with self forgiveness. The "as you love yourself" part of Jesus' command was not easy for me. Without self love and forgiveness in the heart there can be no room for His Holy Spirit. The cycle is broken. True love can not really be given or received without self love. Please don't mistake self love for pride or selfishness. Self love is just the freeing of one's own free will in order to be finally united with The Love of God, Jesus.

Lord God I pray for all who needs Your Perfect Love. We all need it! I also pray that men and women free their hearts. Freedom to love others in the way You intended.

Awaiting Your Glorious Return,

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This has been a day of Godly Wonders and Beauty coming into life by the realities of His Love. The Lord must feel His People's love in return this time of year surely.? It's Christmas time for His Name sake! Surely His Own Chosen........His Own are CELEBRATING!!?? Are We!!?? really?..

There are many ways I could lead into the premise of this blog. That's often my problem, too many ideas and not enough writing. Think with me a bit here. Challenge your thinking.

What is at your core? I mean really. What do you believe? How about .. hope. What do you truly hope for? Is there anything outside the reality of our eyes? Is all that stuff Jesus and His Followers did just stuff? IS there more to life than just me? And my relationship with Jesus? What about Jesus in a concert with others? How Awesome IS He Who CAN be in so Many!?!?

At the core of the human soul is where The Holy Spirit can and WILL change a man. A change that will shake the very foundations of that core if He so desires. The believing in "God" changes to a new level. A new passion springs up within that man to join a Holy Living Spirit rooting deeper in that foundation. Life changes. Fruits grow to validate the change. The best part is giving it all away! As we receive His Gifts and Blessings, they become ours to give away. If we don't, the fruit...... the fruit will wither and die.

So when I change a premise of my core beliefs, I ponder and pray for long periods of time. Ask my family. I get "lost" in it often. -Pondering and prayer. oh, by the way, you pray ALL the time! Where are our thoughts? Anyway, I had something "shift" in my foundation. A shift that also changed the shape of a belief. A belief that changed my thinking and the way I must conduct my own life.

We can make a difference if we really believe we can. That's the trick though. Believing.

Believe and go make this Christmas a Christmas worthy of The Name is Represents!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Inspired Again!

I am not sure if it's the world we live in or if my eyes are not open enough, but either way, I find it hard to be inspired in today's world. Spiritually speaking. This world we live in is so fake and spiritually dead that it's hard to find inspiration anymore. We have no more "good guy" kind of heroes in our world of today. Even our sport figures have no honor anymore. Money, glory and selfishness is the attitudes of the blessed of today. Shame? That is yet to be determined, isn't it? Still, a inspired moment may be rare, but by God's Grace, still happens. What's even more grand is when theses "spiritual inspirations'' happen right in front of you (me)! I'd like to share a couple from these last few days.

Last week I had a old friend leave his earthly body and be reunited with his Heavenly Father. At my friend's funeral service I experienced one of those "moments". For my friend was a member of a large church here in my community and the ( I guess they call "senior pastor") performed the service. This pastor, he was able to speak to the hearts of the people my friend loved and do so in the most loving and sincere way.!. I was amazed how "deep" and "in tune" he was in The Spirit! Anyway, as I listened with my son Caleb there in the pew with me, I realized that this was not a funeral, but a celebration! A celebration of a life, a life of a man who LOVED life and the good that is of God. My friend was just that, good and full of God's love.

Often people ask me, "what's it like having 9 children?" I tell them, "I do not know any different." What's it like having 2 children? I can't relate.?.? What I can not get my mind around is being alone. Being without Lisa and my babies would be.....well....suffering......
I have a friend who has been alone for quite sometime and in many ways, suffering. My friend has been praying for a Christ-centered mate for a longtime and Our Lord Jesus came through! God is Good! No longer will my friend have to walk the journey of life alone any longer. This news brought me tears of joy and inspiration to a man who has more than his fair share of God's blessings. Again, God is Good!

Honestly, I have many more inspired moments that need to be shared. However these two are related in many ways. Not just because of the obvious. Not because of one friend's death and another coming into life again. There is something else bigger going on here. These two friends share or shared many common bonds including loving Jesus. I know each person would want and desires others to "come to Jesus" through their own life story. And it's my job, to share their victories in my life so others to may be inspired. Inspiration MUST BE SHARED.

I pray that blessings through inspiration continues to flow in my community. I pray that each man finds his inspiration and calls upon The Lord Jesus for the wisdom and courage to give it away. What God gives us is not meant for us to keep. Whatever gifts God gave me.....I ask it to be poured out upon my brothers!

Go be a inspiration to someone today!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Wonder and Mystery of a Snow Storm

The great snow storm of 09 is just now starting to show it's true nature as I write today. What power God has even as something so small to him. I pray families use this day as a binding moment as well as any opportunity to bring new comers into the Kingdom. His Glory will ALWAYS be shown in whatever weather He blesses us with!

I have thinking about The Wonder and Mystery of Our Lord God lately. Christmas season and all....... So often have I limited who He is or what He could be in my life by the constraint of my own sin. The one thing that keeps His People from Himself.

That in itself is pretty to deep for man to understand isn't it? The King of Kings is SO Holy, so HOLY, that not even a "speck" of sin Can or Will part of His Presence. !!! A common error in life by everyone now and who ever was. The one error that all of mankind was cursed with from birth. The curse of death. But we His People serve a Victorious King! A Kingly King that Went ahead of us and physically broke that curse for us! He Himself had to face death, torture and public humiliation, but that's another season to celebrate.

This is why He, This ALL Holy, ALL Loving and ALL Just Father had to send A Son, His One and Only Son.......A Perfect Sacrifice in Jesus, The Christ and Messiah, The Promised One.

Rejoice that we have a Father God and King Who Loves His People SO so much...............we can celebrate His Birth...........still. I pray that this Christmas season be filled with The Wonder and Mystery of our Mighty Lord like no other time in history!!! Bring back "The reason for the season" logo! : )

I do pray for everyman who loves his own and children. The men who would lay down their own life to save his child's. As a man, I know we have thought it. We have and do. If the time would come to save a life of his own family, any man would make that sacrifice. BUT in NOWAY!!! would I or could I even imagine sacrificing my children for ANYONE!!! That thinking is not even normal. In fact, men and women who have lost a child by death and find glory to God in are my hero! I simply can not imagine it.

Men.... This is what OUR Father Did for you and me.... does He Loves us....that much?!?! In my time of prayer, this is what I pray....May everyman in my community and all over His Creation come to see His Mighty Wonder! I pray the each and every man who calls You Lord Jesus in this Christmas season REALLY comes to the understanding of His sacrifice. I pray that each man finds his own calling from The King of Kings. And in his own calling, find the courage to follow through with it! Wisdom, Courage and Faith in Jesus is very powerful! Be ready men of The Most High!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A New Journey Begins

Tomorrow morning is the start of a 21 day prayer journey. This journey will start at sun rise tomorrow and end at sunset Christmas Eve. I am inviting any man who desires a closer walk with The Lord Jesus to join me. For 21 days my "theme prayer" is for the men (and their families) of our community. I am pleading with The Holy Spirit to fill each and every man who seeks Him as well as men who do not yet know Him. God is prompting me to build relations with certain men in our community in the hope that The Lord may be Glorified and His soon coming Kingdom expanded.

Please pray for me. I ask for courage and grace. Pray that I take advantage of each opportunity that God gives me to witness. Please pray also that in this season of celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus that men and women would truly understand God's Love for His peoples.

In closing I would like to ask a couple questions. What would happen to our community if a revival of The Holy Spirit spread through the men of Pella? What if Pella became the same kind of community that Peter saw spring up in the book of Acts? I know one thing, there are men in this city who have prayed for a heart like Jesus. These men are the ones who will help usher in this new revival of Love. It's coming! Will you and your house be ready?

Thank you Lord for this city and the men in it. I do pray for each man who calls on Your Name and that Your Holy Spirit meets each one at his own place. May our men once again become leaders in their home by demostrating love and grace. May the young men of this generation be encouraged by their elders and may the elders be that encouragement by example. -Amen

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Melissa Hopkins

To whom this may concern.

Melissa Hopkins and my family have been in relationship for about two years. Over the course of the two years our friendship grew because of the kind of person she is. Melissa is a loving and caring person. Melissa befriended my wife Lisa and the two ladies together work hard in becoming good mothers. The fact is Melissa Hopkins is not only a good person but she is a great mom!

As a building manager of a private school I hired Melissa this last summer. While I knew Melissa as a friend, I learned very quickly she was a hard worker. Her efforts around our school did not go unnoticed. In fact, I had three different professionals comment to me in private about the quality of work Melissa accomplished. I gained a lot more respect for her and understood her commitment to provide for her four children.

My wife and I are parents of nine children. We find Melissa to be a "breath of fresh air" and a inspiration because of her courage to do the right thing. I too was raised by a single mom and therefore understand her situation. We are proud to call Melissa and her four children friends.

-Jeff Morgan