Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Overview of Morgan Ministries

Morgan Ministries is a mission based organization with two convicted purposes. To encourage our neighbor and expand His Coming Kingdom. Each one carries much responsibility and Biblical mandate. I am finding just about every person comes to some sort of "summery" or puts the Bible in it's simplest phrase. This summery fits what I REALLY want to see Morgan Ministries become. My interpretation of the Bible reflects these two missions. Jesus said to us, Love The Lord God First With Everything we are. The second, love our neighbor as we love ourselves. This is what/how Morgan Ministries is called to serve The King of Kings.

The above paragraph is a "snap shot" at the broadest point of Morgan Ministries. *(for the rest of this article I will refer Morgan Ministries as M-M)* M-M will use The Two Greatest Commandments told by Jesus Himself as our direction/guide. How we do that in detail is yet to be determined.

We are wanting to fill our schedule with speaking engagements. Lisa and I both have stories to be told. Let me give you a small taste.

Have you meet anyone or ever even read about a person who hated his dad so much he would legally change his born/sire name? When I was 20 years old I was SO angry I changed my legal name from Jeffrey Lee Johnson to Jeffrey Joesph Morgan. Hate, anger, malice and even revenge (or so I thought) was the ONLY feelings I had for many years. During those years I filled myself with anything and anyone that would numb my pain.

Early in that time I tried to run from everything. I cared only to survive. So many times would I have giving my life for any cause. My survival was only prolonged by His Grace. That's much easier said today than then. Booze, drugs and women did numb me for awhile but never for any length of time.

After Lisa and I had been married for a few years and Jalissa and Caleb were young I received a phone call. The call was from a women I had been with years before in Florida. She said she had a son that was mine. After being freshly out of a 30 day in patient treatment center for drugs and alcohol I was troubled again. After some DNA testing, it was confirmed, this boy child was mine.

Well like I said, this is only a taste. There is so much more that both Lisa and I have to tell! The bottom line is......... Only a God of Grace and Love could take two things so broken, so cursed by the sins of pasts and make whole again. Today, we have 9 children. 9 wonderful and beautiful children who I believe have something Lisa and I never had. Confidence. Real confidence that can only come from Jesus Christ.

Morgan Ministries (M-M) has more to offer than just the normal ministries. Our broad backgrounds in life can and will bring healing for many. Like Paul, we did not walk with our Lord on earth BUT He allowed us this personal experience of darkness so we could help shed light for others.

If anyone desires a "guest speaker" for any group, we (M-M) would love the opportunity. We only want and desire our stories to be an encouragement to our brothers and sisters. And, if possible, a invitation to the one who does not know The Lord Jesus. This is again the premise of the entire mission of M-M.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sharing Thoughts

I am going to just lay this out here publicly. This is my attempt to write or verbalize what I TRULY believe The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is prompting me to do. This is man who can't get enough of His Love! Every part of me is in awe of His Love, Mercies and Grace! My life has been TRANSFORMED by The Blood of The Lamb! It's my mortal human will is now publicly His! Now I commit and turn over EVERYTHING, and I mean everything!!! that I have and ever will have to further The King's Kingdom!!!

The other day I wrote about a line drawn to represent "a fresh start" . Well, He showed me the "fresh start" is relationship and mission. I am for the first time, (I think) seeing why The Great and Loving Father made me the me I am. So long did I close my eyes to the goodness from Him in me. Instead I got lost in the negativeness of myself. This was satan's greatest weapon against me. To make a long story short, I can simply say this to define me to a TEE:
"I was once lost, but He saved me. Yesterday I was dead, but by Your Love and Grace!!!, Today I live!!!

Now for the first time in my life I see the path to go on. Never could I see past the end of my fat/rubbery nose to God's Promises. My action now is to finish strong serving Him and forever giving The Rightful King Glory! We are ALL in! Sold out to the Promises He has for me and family! I AM going to Jordan and God Willing, Lebanon to serve my enemy.....This is something I HAVE to do. All logic says not to. In fact this may be the most illogical thing I have ever done! (You need to understand, that's saying a long list)

I feel obligated to LEAD of group of young men in God's Word about Bible heroes. Why this group of young men? No logical explanation really but a prompting I can not ignore. Pray for our young men!

Coming in November I will be walking around the state capital building for 24 hours. The premise of this feat is to remind my brothers to come join me again in January when the legislation session begins. We as a men who wave the banner of The King NEED to find a fight worth fighting!!! Guess what men, it's OK to fight. Really it is. GO FIGHT a battle worthy of cause. Get behind something that represents the Good of Our Lord and be willing to lay it all out!

This year for Thanksgiving our Morgan family will be serving dinner in a shelter somewhere. To truly love The Father is to love ALL of His Peoples. God prompted everyone from Lisa and I to the little ones. Praise God that my children have a place at His Table! Thank You Jesus for Making that Sacrifice!

As soon as possible Morgan Ministries will be "Kicking Off" fund raising efforts. With relying only on Him, Lisa and I are going out telling "our stories" both together and individually. Not only do we desire funds to do His work in the Morgan Ministries organization but we will continue to support existing ministries locally, and internationally. One internationally I support is Zola Levitt's Ministries. (Zola, we miss you!) To aid our efforts, we Morgan Ministries are applying for non-profit in order to be better stewards of His provisions.

In closing this "Sharing Thoughts" blog I NEED to say this. Morgan Ministries is (soon) a full time service for The King. I will, with prayer and fasting, go anywhere and do anything to serve Our Jesus! I say to my fellow man.....If there is something you have a passion for, a dream of seeing something done to Glorify Him, please contact me. I, Jeff, vow to be the arm of The Body of Christ. I will, if funds can be arranged, do ANYTHING to see The King of Kings and Our Lord of Lords Glorified!!!

Awaiting His Return,

For All Men and Men Only

With all do respect to our lovely and wonderful ladies I am addressing you blessed men. Again I am looking for men who are willing to give 21 days of prayer and fasting! One man has asked me about this challenge I sent out a month ago. Please, let's talk "frankly" as men from here on out and put into ACTION the "As Iron Sharpens Iron" phrase. Come men, check out Big Daddy's Blurbs blog site designed exclusively for men.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why me?

The question "why me" has been said more times then any other question I believe. Funny, there was a time when I not only said "why me" all the time but deep down desired to be ANYONE but me. Today, by The Grace of God, I ask the same question but for a much different reason.

Here's my new "Why me" plea.

Why me Lord!? Why have you put on my heart the thing that I once thought to be impossible to go do. Why me!? Is it because You once sent other common men out to spread Your Good News before me? Why me!? Why Peter? Lord Jesus, why Paul? My enemy is all around telling me that I can not do this. It's not logical and practical. BUT Lord,!!! I can NO LONGER ignore the call, the call to battle! No longer will my cry be "why me" in self pity BUT a SHOUT of "SEND ME"!!! Please Lord Jesus, my mortal self will is Yours, just send me!

I now know "why me?". You had me live my life with Your Love and Grace all around me to prep and equip me for Your Service. Battle tested!!! 40 years of wondering and not being able to see the Land of Milk and Honey until today! I get it!

Love and Grace,

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Line Is Drawn

For many reasons, reasons that I can not write about at the present, a line has been drawn. In order for the line to work, there WILL be 2 (two) sides. No compromise! The line might get pushed upon like rough water to a cliff but STILL stands between two places, forces and even wills. Here is how my line divides out.

I have been "blurbing" and blogging for some time now about "this ministry" that is in me and how something new is springing up in me. If anyone really reads this, please look back over the theme of all my blogs and my gut tells me you will find that The Lord Jesus through His Mighty Holy Spirit is.....what's the word, "moving" in me. My line, or maybe better said "life" is now, for the FIRST time fully His. From now until my eyes sees Him may I serve Him and only Him!

I am announcing today, publicly, Morgan Ministries WILL BE the arm of the Body Of Christ in ANYWAY He, The Lord God Almighty May Want. I will, with The Helper, live my life like it is NOT my own. Everything that I am or have has come from Him. No worldly riches do I have or really desire. Any glory that I have had or will obtain WILL be directed to The Rightful King. May The Name of Jesus be tattooed to my lips so everyone who calls Him King will know my full intent!

More to come,

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Parents of PCGS 8th grade young men Part 2

Some time has pasted since I first approached these young men and honestly to long. I have these young men catching me in the halls and asking me "whats the plan coach?" or "are we getting started here soon?" This tells me I need to get off my rear and role out a plan. Here is what I am thinking and considering.

"Using the Word of God, the premise is to study and learn life lessons from the Heroes of both Old and New Testaments with the Help of The Holy Spirit to encourage men of ALL ages and backgrounds/walks of life."

This statement is my hope for any who want to meet. I am thinking however to have this "Walking with The King" study off campus of PCGS. Having this study "off campus" will allow us to do more things and "neutralize" everyone from anywhere. For example, we will do service projects. I do NOT want to put the school in any way liable if something would happen. Off campus will also benefit the study by allowing for "coffee time" atmosphere on Friday open meeting time.

Anyway and for many reasons I have asked Neil Wilson for permission to use "The Sanctuary" as the meeting place. The Sanctuary is a ministry that God Inspired and has Blessed and now has a physical beautiful building for His Kingdom. Neil and Angela Wilson are Godly people who have personal testaments that also "encourages" both men and women. The best way to describe the location is The Old Pella City Hall Building. The building with the 2 dogs made of concrete meeting you on the porch! Right across the street from the Pella Cinema.

For time and days I am still sold on Friday early morning. This will be a open invite to both sons and dads to come, engage in pray, fellowship (eating donuts and all the healthy pastries Pella has to offer and maybe learn. I am recruiting all the Godly men I know and asking them to come on Fridays to share their testimonies. We all need to hear that Our Lord Jesus Is Still Working in the lives of heroes of today! 6AM is still the start time I am thinking, big commitment I know BUT let's do it! You, your son and most importantly, He, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is worth the time of waking up 1 day a week early. One who is NOT a great early person, (talking bout me) will commit and always be there God Willing.

I am also thinking meeting Tuesday nights. Going to extremes here but I am thinking 8PM to 10PM. This will be more focused for the young men but dads are welcome to attend. I know we can NOT meet everyone needs and that's way twice a week is important. I too will hope to use The Sanctuary for this meeting place as well.

Please continue to pray for this ministry. I truly have a heart for all men. I want to be a encouragement and use my life as a open book to share. Jesus has Blessed me so that this is a chance to give back. My cup is overflowing and I want to share with my brothers! Fish are biting! (If you know what I mean)

Blessing and Courage,

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

As I look over my blog page and realize it's been a week since I have spent time writing or expressing myself. Also funny, the most common day of the week for me to "blog" is on Thursday. So I have no excuse but "blurb'' or blab ;0) pending how you take my point of view.

Speaking of blurbs or whatever term used to describe the latest way for mankind to physically communicate. I am finding people do actually read what I have to say. This is completely humbling to me, really is. There was a time, not all that long ago, where I was......not healthy enough spiritual to believe I was worthy. Many I tell this can't believe that! With every ounce of humility and truth.....most of my life, I wished to be someone OTHER than me, Jeff Morgan. Everyone around me had it better than me. This was my attitude toward my own being! Self hate!!! Self shame!!! Self guilt.......

The evil lord has God's people in slavery! Slaves to the unforgivable self. When God's people experience life's hurts and pains, satan uses it his advantage. The evil one wants to hold us down by reminding us of past pains and hurts. You see, when we battle with ourselves, internally either spiritually or emotionally, that means there has to be good vs. evil going on. We are unable to be free enough to offer our "true" free will to serve The King when this internal war is happening. No matter how you look at it, satan's nature is automatic in ALL of us. If he (satan) keeps us battling ourself, we can't battle for The Lord.

What my hope and prayer is for anyone who hears or reads my message.

Understand that you are not alone in your walk. Many who fought themselves so much finds The Father. There IS Hope in Him! Take Godly Courage! Fight the fight that is worthy of your real effort. Let that past history of yours (and mine) stay in the past! Jesus has forgiven already. The Father sent His Own Son in order for us to be FREE and to live for HIM!!!

Lord God I pray for my fellow man and sister in You. I pray for Your Healing and Forgiveness in the lives of all who ask. I ask in Your Name, to bind any evil that is working in lives of people. Yes Jesus Your Name is Power! Allow the walls of bondage and self guilt to fall into the darkness where it belongs. Show Your Power and Might to all who lacks in faith.

Thank You Jesus,