Thursday, August 27, 2009

Morgan Ministries

I am going all out saying this, but I am meant to have a ministry. I know everyone is called to their own ministry in their own way. I get that. What I am talking about here is more of a "public" ministry. The word "ministry" does get used often to describe someone working the enhance the Kingdom of God. That's just it, I want or long for serving The King of Kings every moment of everyday! Not just in serving by action but in prayer and physical interaction. "Public" meaning going out of my own comfort to meet people and accept them no matter what the condition I find them in. I want a heart to see my fellow man as The Father sees His People! I want to learn to love in a way He Loves! This is the REAL heart of this mortal man.

Morgan Ministries will consist of us, the Morgans. Our life will be a living-breathing example of God's Love and Grace. The Morgan's have life stories that can/will impact people and ultimately brings glory to The Lord Jesus! We have seen God's Grace and Mercy throughout our entire lives. Both Lisa and I lived brokenness and cursed lives and only by God's Perfect Love can we be victorious in our mortal lives today! We both bring to the ministry life lessons that can be taught (with His Wisdom) and two people who LOVE to teach! Lisa's story is one of motherly love and how God can take pieces of brokenness and make beautiful Glory to Himself. I bring a side of "fatherhood" and "manhood" that most men dare not even imagine! Both Lisa and I stories will meet people where they are at AND give back encouragement to any situation.

More to come. Know this my readers, Big, big changes are about to happen in many lives! May The King of Kings continue to give me the heart of love for my brother so I may help nurture each one who needs. May His Might and Glory be demonstrated through Morgan Ministries

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Parents of 8th Grade young men

Dear Moms and Dads of these young men.

Last week I invited all the 8th grade boys to a "info meeting" or better used for me was a "feeler" meeting on Friday. Almost every young man in the 8th grade class showed up! The idea was to see if any of these young men would like to deepen their walk with Jesus in a group study. Again, with the number of guys that showed up, Jesus showed me that His young men are worthy to Him!

Since PCGS theme this year is Bible Heroes, I prayed for this to come to life for young men. I prayed for the 8th graders in particularly. Honestly, I have been really looking forward to coaching this year! For the first time in many years I am NOT coaching any of my own off-spring! SERIOUSLY! If you ever coach your own kid for long, you will know what I mean! Anyway, God said to me in many ways, He will, this prayer of mine, be fulfilled but I need to lead it. Well, it's real easy for me to say "I am to busy" or say to myself, "I have 10 kids already, why do it?" Long story short, God or The King of Kings is prompting me to do this and I NEED to follow through.

I address you all as a parent of many including a son who made the big jump to high school this year. The jump or change has been (as a dad and a coach) the BEST thing for Caleb and I. The high school has some of the best men (God Inspired) coaching and leading that school that sending Boo was easy. "As iron sharpens iron" is what I see happening in the football program at every level of Pella Christian schools. Caleb my son is a better young man for the discipleship brought forward by the men at PCHS.

What I see "Walking with The King" Bible Study doing is studying The Word of God in a way young men can relate to. Capping the theme of PCGS, I want these young men to see what being a Biblical hero is REALLY about. David, Daniel, Peter and Paul are the 4 men I want to spend time learning about with these guys with Jesus always being center. What I really want is these young men to learn from these 4 Biblical heroes (Both New and Old Testements) is we as men are NOTHING without God.

We have some hurdles to make this an offical school event. I will ask to meet with the School Board or any committee before I can give much details. So please feel free to contact me in anyway for questions regarding "Walking with The King" study. I will not know meeting details yet, but I am thinking twice a week meeting. One time slot I would like to do would be early Friday mornings. I am also thinking durning that time (Friday AM) we would invite all dads as well.

In closing, I pray that each parent, both mom and dad prays for his/her son during this year. Pray that your son may find God and His Spirit in a way that is life changing. Dads, you are always welcome! And dads.... I challenge you to be the spiritial leader of your family and pray hard for your son and all your children. Pray for your wife as well. Moms, pray for your husband to be the man God wants us ALL to be!

In His Mighty Name of Jesus

Thursday, August 6, 2009

21 Day Challenge Info

As I have written yesterday, I am laying out a open invitation to any and all men! Big or small, married or single, old and young, I don't care. Men of all backgrounds and denominations are welcome to inquire. However not all will be invited. As I prayed and asked God to open this vision for the 21 day journey, He has reminded me that not all men will believe! This journey is NOT meant for every man who asks me about it. This is no "bible study" once a week accountability breakfast club. I love accountability and take courage by "as iron sharpens iron" but this is NOT that. After the journey, you WILL desire council and accountability with fellow brothers in Him. These 21 days my dear brother is designed to turn your life up side down and I mean when I say.....Up side down!

Welcome Race Fans! Jesus Loves You!

Our nearby neighboring town of Knoxville will be Hosting the Sprint Car Nationals the week of August 12 through 15. I've heard that over 50,000 people will be in Knoxville during the 4 day event. And I am hoping that those people bring a appetite and plenty of cash!!!

It's official. The Morgan Family is again IN the "Food Serving" business! "Big Daddy's" will be open to the public August 12 around 10AM right across the street (Highway 14) from the racetrack. Big Daddy is the name my kids gave me and everyone seemed the name fitting for this. The name may have been mine but the vision and opening of doors belongs to The Real Father, God. May The King of Kings be Glorified by any efforts of mine or my family!

Big Daddy's will offer race goers a variety on the menu. Both the "rib steak" and 1/3 lbs patties will have the beef eater's mouth watering! And if beef ain't your thing try the 5oz pork loin, smoked by Apple wood, this will be the pork people's preference!

The quality of meat products won't be complete without a cool beverage from Big Daddy's. The Morgan Family has many hidden talents but we are breaking out a old recipe to dazzle our visitors and guests this year! If good ole southern "Sweet Tea" ain't for you, then try the regular iced tea or even a plain ole bottle of H2O.

With all that I am, I believe God Himself is fulfilling His Promise to me by making Big Daddy's a reality. Someday I hope to write about this and how it all come to be. I do know this. If my flesh was to get involved to much or if my flesh desired the glory for Big Daddy's then failure is a sure bet. Only by Him can I do anything worth doing!

Awaiting His Mighty Return,

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I Challenge ALL Men!

If you consider yourself a "manly kind of man" or the kind of man who loves a challenge, Let it be known, I, Jeff Morgan personally challenge you! I am serious!

This challenge is in line with one area in ministry I feel lead and that is raising men of honor. Honor is something that is lost in today's man. I believe to serve a King Worthy of Praise, men who claim His Mighty Name should be men of honor! Really man! Search your heart, find that king within you. Let things like "Honor" and "Truth" be your heart's desire if you want to take this 21 day journey.

This challenge won't be for the weak heart or for men who's schedules rule them. For 21 straight days, three times per day, you would have to commit. Prayer, fellowship and fasting along with emphasis on Acts and Romans would consume 90 minutes 3X daily. For 21 days you would deny yourself, learn to carry the Cross, and and maybe even see what suffering looks like.

Again, as I feel called into ministry, God is challenging me to bring as many men along as He desires us all! If I have influence among my fellow man, may that influence find it's way to Glorify The Risen King of Kings! Really! When I did the 21 days, my starting prayer was to learn to love God's People as He loves His Children. He has given me a heart for men who are willing to go to any length to face his fear AND ask Him for the Godly Courage to become "fearless". As we study Acts, we will discuss God's manly men like Paul. Peter and Paul were "fearless" and used The Holy Spirit to do great things in the Book of Acts! I challenge you to believe!

More to come.

Awaiting His Glorious Return,

Trying to hold on!

I don't know how to even begin to describe what life is like for me right now! All I know is Jesus is doing mighty things and He is using me in ways I never thought possible. Peoples lives are being transformed right in front of me! I see hope again in God's People who say His Name! The kind of Hope that is truly sustained by The Holy Spirit. There is also Power in The Holy Spirit! In fact the Power of The Holy Spirit is so great that soon Christians all over the place will see and hear of great miracles! I am serious, people will walk who can't. Men and women with cancer will be completely healed. God's Glory is coming upon this world like never before in the history of creation.

Hold on! Be ready to BELIEVE!