Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Time to Roll

My new word as of late is "prompt" or "prompting". I say often anymore, "I have this "prompting" to try to do something". Regardless the word, I want to express a "urge" or "feeling" to do" that is Spirit lead. Just allowing myself to follow through on a something that tugs my heart.

The King of King's has prompted me to explore the food service arena again. The Morgan Ministry team will set up a 'Tenderloin shop' in Knoxville during the Sprint Car Nationals! This venture has been directed by He, The One Who Sits At The Throne, Lord Jesus and for ONLY His Glory and Profit. Pray for "Morgan Ministries" the virgin voyage is really underway. May The King Lord Jesus BE Glorified by my meager mortal efforts.

More to come as I am so eager to write the story of this tenderloin stand. This will be forever a testimony proclaiming God's Grace and Mercy!

Awaiting His Return,

Friday, July 24, 2009

This Just In.....Again

I can't help but to update this page.

Encouragement!!! We need it! Everyone of The Father's Created Chosen Ones need each other to survive this mortal life!.!. Satan is on the prowl men!!! He can and will use everything he can to defeat man at this hour of this age. Forgive each other of sins and pray to God for the Power to forgive yourself. Little hope for man without self forgiveness. Without self forgiveness a man can't truly surrender to the Holy Spirit fully. And without a solid line, via the Holy Spirit, to The Holy Father, God Almighty we can only experience mortal encouragement. Encouragement with The Power of The Holy Spirit is Limitless! I know when satan is pounding away at me and I try to fight back but try to do it on my own. This could be my defeat if I allow it and not ask for God's Gift to us, The Holy Spirit. Self will and self forgiveness are one! Allow Conviction and NOT worldy condemnation to be the test waters of satan's temptations.

For me to put to practice, my physical being will match my spiritual being as well. For me to believe UNCONDITIONALLY His Mighty Powers in me, will first start of the healing of my own body.

Fight Hard....Love Harder Men of God!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Kids Call Me "Daddy"

"Daddy, can you pick me up after practice?" "Please daddy can I come with you?" "Da da, can I have a dink dink?" "Daddy, did you see that?!" "Daddy - Why NOT?"

I hear the word "Dad" or "Daddy" probably more often than most men who are dads. Not tooting any horn but just stating the obvious. When 8 kids (soon to be 9) speak to me or wants my attention, the word(s) dad or daddy are always said. Even when in public and I hear a child say "daddy" I always turn to look and respond. In fact, I'll take it a step further and say that the word "daddy" is said to me more often than my name Jeff. I love it! Even my 15 and 14 year old still refer to me as "daddy". I pray that will never change!

Sometimes my title as a "dad'' gets confused with the term "father". Now I don't get uptight when one of my babies calls me "father" but deep down it just does not feel right. In my opinion the title of "Father" should only be reserved for our Heavenly Father. Dad or "daddy" best describes us earthly mortal men who are parents of his offspring or adoptive children. I don't want to get hung up on terminology but know that the two are completely different in meaning.

Learn to love the Lord God first, and learn how to love your own self. Only then can He allow a "daddy" to get a glimpse of what a True Father really Is.

Warp on up on a note and prayer for ALL men who love, and for men who really want and desire to love their kids but don't know how..........Men, my only note is, YOU HAVE TO SAY "I love you"

Father God, You are The Perfect Father and All Loving Creator! Thank you for giving the Perfect Example of Love through the Father and Son relationship! Only by That Perfect Love can I as a mortal man find to be a "daddy'' for my kids.

Lord I pray for every man that has children, that he finds and loves his child right now! Lord give each man Your Holy Courage if he may ask in order to love His child. I pray for Heavenly Strength to the man who finds The Holy Spirit and uses It to love all of His Creation. Create in me and my fellow man the heart of David, The Heart of The True Father, Lord God.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This Just In! Part Three

Most of the people close to me know that I often flirt with living on the "edge". With saying that I will continue to press on in hope that through my personality He will be Glorified.

Currently I am in the middle of writing about how the world is ripe for a "evil overthrow". This subject is very deep and forces me to use God's Word in conjunction with current world events. However, I needed a "reprieve" or a break from the research because the fact is this truth is not pretty to write about.

So today and tonight my thoughts have been focused on Jesus' life and how He was rejected by His own people. Truth is, He was put to death by the hands of the religious leaders and not Pilot. I always thought Pilot was given a bad rap for the crucifixion of Jesus. The Jewish leaders at the time was so afraid of losing power that they freed a murderer in order to hang The Christ. This is well documented in the Gospels.

Here's the premise of my thoughts.

What would happen today in the Christian church if Jesus came to earth the same way He did 2000 years ago? Would the "Christian" leaders of today reject Him and have Him written off as a crazy man? Would the church today condemn The Rightful King to death again? Has the church today turned to man's view point of the Bible rather than their own convictions of His Word?

I ask these questions only to answer them myself. My answers may be surprising.

There is NO doubt in my opinion that today's church would indeed deny Christ. Maybe not every church individually but the church as a whole. The Catholic Vatican would be the first to reject The King. Then many of the weaker "denominations" would quickly follow suit. See that's just it. The church today is so wrapped up in "denomination" or better described as man's point of view that God's Word becomes second. I could envision today's church leaders sitting in a committee where satan has a foothold and doing EXACTLY what the Jewish leaders did 2000 years ago!

Sorry. Not really sorry in the way of apologizing but in the spirit of pity. I guess I have lost the confidence in the leaders of the church. Over and over have I seen and heard men (and women, sadly) being put into church leadership roles like elder and deacon based on the amount of money they have spent in the local church. This gives way to believe that not only man is willing to sell their own soul for money and power but also willing to sell out the body of Christ. Again I want to emphasize that not all local churches are selling out. There are churches that stay true to God's Word and are willing to go to any length to make sure Truth is practiced. However we are losing more than we are gaining.

Earlier I mentioned "denominations" and how mankind follows the law of man before the Word of God. Are we (men) so weak in faith that the Word is not enough?! I see daily how John Calvin's writings or opinion is being considered equal to Paul's letters. Don't get me wrong, what Calvin and other reformers did years ago was courageous and God ordained. Each one of these Godly men who took on the Roman Catholic iron fists and said ENOUGH is to be honored. But because these men were/are Godly men, I would dare to say they would NOT want their teachings to be equal to God's Word. But today's godly men would rather ride the shirt tails of these reformers rather than finding their own way through the Word of God. Honestly, of course this is my opinion, today's man in faith is not only weak in mind but weaker in the Holy Spirit! And again, these are the men in the church leadership. It's no wonder why churches, schools and the worst even, the family are in disarray or lost.

With saying all of that, I believe there is Hope still! Action must follow and be in line with Godly Hope. But He, the All in All God of Hope can and will change the hearts of man IF the action is allowing His Spirit to control the self-will in each man! Does that make sense?

Lord Jesus-
I pray for my brothers that each man who calls you God finds Your Will. Your yoke is lighter and Your Way brighter! I pray for men, all men to give You a chance. May You Father send Your Holy Spirit to men who seek Your Will. Lord, please bless those who call upon You and relinquish their own free will in sake of finding The Holy Spirit.

Thank You Lord Jesus! Thank You!

Awaiting Your Glorious Return,

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Reflecting Over The Journey

It's been awhile since I sat down to write. Coming off the fast is kinda like having a mild "hangover". For non-drinkers that only means my head is a little foggy. -Smile. Anyway, it IS enjoyable to eat again! Those animal crackers that Johnny has been offering me are now free game. Believe it or not, I only lost bout 13 pounds during the fast. That really surprised me.

I truly needed to take a few days to reflect and discern what The Holy Spirit showed me over the course of the 21 day journey. My mind has been busy thinking "what's next?" Well, while trying to answer that question I have discovered some truths. Here is a couple: There is no doubt that I am "Called" by my King to serve Him! There is no doubt that life as I understand it is about to change. There is no doubt that my faith and beliefs are stronger than any other time in my life! There is no doubt that I am still a sinner and need a Merciful Lord.

As stated up above, I do know with certainty that the rest of my days WILL BE devoted to Him entirely. He has given me the heart to love His creation in His Children. Love your Lord God with all efforts! THEN love your brother as you love yourself. If ministry is my calling, I really need to get busy for my brothers. He is opening the door, the thing is, do I have the courage to walk through? This is no ordinary task He wants me to do. This will take me out of my comfort zone, as so for all of my family. Again, courage.

Lisa and I have had the opportunity in recent weeks to host brothers and sisters in our home. God laid this idea to have people, friends/family, over in small groups. It's a time I have shared some of my testimony in hopes of encouraging our guests. This is a simple way to minister. The Book of Acts describes in the text that the early church was done in homes too. I believe we NEED to follow the "blueprint" of the early church today! God and His Spirit hasn't changed only the times. The time has now come for the the church today to wake up! He WILL be Faithful and provide His Mighty Weapon to aid each one who comes to Truly Believes! Invite people to your homes and fellowship in His name. Read His Word. Encourage each other with love.

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords is coming soon! I know that has been said for two thousand years, but NEVER has the world been so ripe for the picking! If the Book of Acts describes how the first church needed to perform, we need to take heed and follow suit! We are not the first church but the last. Listen brothers, now must be the time to leave our "lukewarm" attitude and recommit with conviction one's life to HIM!!! He wants His men to wake and draw swords! He wants men who are convicted to live for Him to live life with zeal and fire! Let The Holy Spirit lead each one of us so He may be Glorified! May His People be busy working for The Holy Kingdom until That Day of The Return of The King!

-Father God,

May You Bless my brothers and give them all who calls upon Your Name Heavenly and Holy Courage. Use me as You See the need. May I too have Courage that can ONLY come from You! I pray for the families of these men who You are about to awake. Give each wife of these men Your Holy Spirit so she can rely on You when her man is doing Your Will. I pray for the children, especially the young men that they may see his daddy seeking You!
God, THANK YOU!!! Thank You Lord for being Faithful to me and all of Your People! Without You I am nothing. Thank You for continuing to shape and mold me. Continue in me the Love You have given me for the people of this world. Thank you Lord Jesus!
