Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Time to Roll

The time has come for me to officially put into action this burning desire and vision that I pray in The Name of Jesus is from Him. As I explain this, my prayer will be that God gives me words to describe this action and to have courage to back it.

For sometime now I have been "called" into ministry. In fact going back 15 years ago, I then too felt this same calling. Lisa and I was much younger and if my memory serves me right she was pregnant with our son Caleb. At the time my "calling" was to be a pastor or so I thought. The logical thing at the time, or least by what the world around me was saying "go to college and then on to seminary then you can fulfill that calling". There was no doubt this "call" was from Him but yet there was hesitation on my behalf..... maybe fear....I did not know BUT I cowardly ignored His call. It wasn't until much later in life when I heard a man who claimed to have the gift of prophesy say to me (by the way, this man pegged me out of a group and called me up first), he said "You disqualified yourself from your calling didn't you?" He went on to say, "God still desires you serving Him." He was right on of course, but I honestly again chose to ignore even that and went on to open a restaurant instead.

Long story short, I chose to ignore my Lord's call because of my own unforgiven sins. Sins that Jesus covered on my behalf by His blood, but sins I could/would not forgive myself of. I thought I had to be a "perfect Christian" first. What pride and arrogance! My selfishness and really disbelief in Jesus Christ (when it's boiled down) separated me from my savior! Fooling only myself and sadly, those closest to me, my family.

Here's the irony of it all. Even in my state of self doubt and not having the ability to forgive myself, This Almighty God still blessed me! He sent nine, nine souls from heaven for me and my lovely bride to parent and care for. Jesus also blessed me personally with a most beautiful woman in Lisa. She is so diligent as a wife but also as a mother. I don't say it enough, but she is the best. If anyone really knew our life story, one would find that it was truly God who put us together. He took two broken pieces of life and made whole a family. I do NOT deserve Lisa or any of my offspring, BUT by His Mercy and we are!

With all that said, here we go. The calling He has put in my heart is so real that I can no longer ignore it. All I can think about is serving Jesus by being in relation with my brother and sister in Christ. I know what I am about to embark on defies today's culture of Christian believers. My call is to be a missionary right here in my community serving His people.

Please pray for me! Pray that God Himself puts His words into my mouth as I describe to friends and family this call. Pray also for understanding in faith.

Blessings! Look for the second part of this soon!

Awaiting His Glorious Return,

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