Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Questions to Answer - Part 1

What will it look like to be a full time missionary in a community that is full of "churched" people? How will local churches take to the idea of a man who's heart is to strengthen their own body of believers? Will pride be a factor when I ask, "what is your body of men doing to grow spiritually? Are men of this community really ready to humble themselves? Will the dads really take the time to bring their son(s) or daughter(s) to a public arena for prayer and worship? What about the tradition or heritage of their faith? Can the local body of ALL churches truly come together and unify under His banner? Will denomination stand prideful in the way? And last, the REAL personal questions for me to address. Am I worthy to be the motion in The Body? Can I put away my own pride? Can I overcome my fear/pride to ask my brothers for monetary resources?

All of these questions (and MANY more) have been eating away at me and in some ways keeping me from going through with what The Holy Spirit has called me to do. Due to fear and denial, I wanted to answer to the negative side of each one. Again I wanted to "hide" His calling in my life and to continue to ignore The Holy Spirit prompting me to "follow through". These questions still pose serious prayer and finally today I CAN and WILL accept the answers with Hope and Grace.

Many things have fallen into place in order for this ministry to happen. I have no doubt of the Hand of God working and moving ahead of me. As I listen and observe the people who I believe to have Godly Wisdom, not just worldly wisdom, my encouragement grows! The Lord Jesus' own ministry didn't make sense to the culture of His time. His apostles too went against the grain and lived on the edge while living deeply in Faith. The Bible is real to me and so are the men in It who made a difference! I was reminded several time over the last three days of this....Anyone who was anyone in The Word of God did NOT follow the normal way of life. Faith. Faith in Him. Not faith in self or the flesh. I know by my own life experience, I will fail. But even when I took my eyes off of Him, He, The Lord Jesus NEVER took His eyes off of me. In fact, He poured His Grace on to me and my loved ones when I could or would not be looking for it.

Because it is late on a Wednesday night and my body is tired, I will have to finish this article another time. But again I ask anyone and everyone to please pray for me as I will pray for anyone who asks me to in return. Together, we CAN change this culture with His Great and Loving Grace!

Awaiting His Glorious Return,

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