Monday, March 8, 2010

It Starts With Us Men

This mission-vision that I have been called to see become a reality is SIMPLY using The Words of Jesus from The Book of Matthew. 22: 34-40 and 28: 19-20 Again, keeping it simple, this is what I see unfolding for me..... To go reach the people who do not "yet" know Christ by using love AND to go strengthen His believers who already know Him using love, all done here in my very own community. The key word is Love in both missions. By building relationships with His people and equipping each group with encouragement (love in action) we WILL change this community and therefore the culture we live in.

Because I know I can NOT do this alone, I am going to address in detail the second mission first. "To strengthen His believers who already know Him". In order to be effective in a ministry like this it is clear to me that we need each other. Like The Word of God describes about The Body of Christ, we as parts of that body need to learn how to work together in unison and community.

What God has really laid on my heart is this..... the change and unifying in The Body of Christ WILL have to start with men. Like what the Promise Keepers movement of years past attempted MUST again come alive in the local community! Men must first realize we NEED each other. There is not a single man who has it all together. Each and all of us struggle with something, and therefore each one of us needs love, prayer and encouragement from another. We need to know we are NOT alone in our journey.

My prayer and vision is for men in the local church body, (in his own church home) coming together and sharing/caring in each others personal struggles. Learning how carry each other in love and encouragement. Because I know men and know that getting started is the hardest, this is where I can/will help. My "calling" is helping in starting these kind of groups. Each church body will have different dynamics and core beliefs, I understand. However, men at the core are the same. We are all sinful by nature. We ALL NEED Jesus and each other! We just need encouragement in finding our individual calling and heart's desire with help from The Holy Spirit and our brothers.

As I begin to lay out the "mission plan" in the next article or "blog" it's important to emphasize simply this: Men, we NEED Jesus! We NEED to be in community and accountability with our brothers in Him!

This is just the start to something MUCH bigger to come! Again I ask for those who read this to pray for me and my family. Pray that I can communicate in the way He would like me to and also pray that His Will in me is done and not my own selfish ambitions.

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