Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just Do It

The Nike corporation uses the phrase "Just Do It" to market their athletic products around the globe. I love that phrase! As a coach of many sports, I too use that catchy three word phrase quit often. Often I add "don't think so much, JUST GO DO IT". Like what Nike is trying to accomplish, it's a motivator to encourage someone or a body of people to perform their best. (and to buy shoes)

What I have written about lately and STILL what I feel the Holy Spirit is inspiring me to do is encourage my fellow brother and sister. Encouragement is a simple way we as Christians can take the offense in spiritual warfare. Everyone needs to be encouraged. Philippians 2: 1-4 is a perfect example of this. In fact, if anyone is not sure where to spend time in The Word of God, please consider spending time in the book of Philippians. Paul's letter is a breath of fresh air for anyone who needs inspired in Christ.

The root word of "encouragement'' is obviously the word courage. Courage is a moral and spiritual action that defies fear. So to encourage a brother or sister would mean that one (the encourager) would aid another in courage to help that person defeat their fear. Often fear is the motivator or enabler of a self defeat. Like I have written prior, we can't truly love others if we don't know how to love ourselves. So, when we encourage others, it just makes sense that we promote love. Love, love is, well I will refer to Paul's letter of Corinthians chapter 13. Paul can better describe what love is and can do.

I encourage you brothers to use your words, gestures and even physical touch to promote brotherly love. Keep it simple. Smile to someone. Give a "high five". Tell a brother/sister that he/she is worthy in God's eye. Then if the opportunity arises in that gesture, speak to them deeper. Talk to their hearts. Listening often is the best way to show encouragement. Find what "trips their trigger" and build upon it. Most importantly, take the time for your brother/sister so he/she feels love.

My pastor posed a question awhile back and asked this. "Do you feel loved?" and "does it matter?" For some reason that struck me at the heart. You would think having a lovely wife, 9 children and working in a Christian environment I should feel loved. Honestly, there were many times I do/did not. Now that I have recognized that, it's much easier to say yes to that question. However, when I really feel loved is when I am demonstrating love to others. Encouragement goes both ways for me personally. When I give myself to my brother and see him lifted up from that.....that's when I feel encouraged.

In closing, please JUST DO IT! Go lift up someone you know needs it. Find the courage that our Lord Jesus gives freely and spread it. I promise, because God's Word is true, if we encourage one another, He, The King of kings and Lord of lords will fill you with His Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus, fill us with Your Holy Spirit so we ALL can go give it away in the form of real encouragement!

Now, Just Go Do It!!!

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