Sunday, May 10, 2009

This Just In! Part 2

The idea of the "This Just In" is a chance for me to build upon my "top ten" core beliefs. This section of "TJI" is combining God's love for His people and battling satan our enemy. Many books and sermons have communicated both of these topics alone. I am trying to unite these two in order for readers to identify with me on the premise of this. -Evil has and will continue to dominate this world if God's people do nothing.

There is a feeling of passiveness I find among believers in our Lord Jesus. This "feeling" of passiveness is directly related to how evil has swept in and set up camp here in Iowa with gay marriage. I think being silent about issues like gay marriage or any other liberal movement that goes against our Father's design is a form of "giving up'' or being passive.

I was reminded of the Old Testament's account of when Moses led His people out of captivity from Egypt. I love the passion Joshua and Caleb showed when they reported back to Moses about the enemy that occupied the Promise Land. They both were jamming optimistic with this challenge in front of them! Most of the spies Moses sent with Joshua and Caleb came back with their tails tucked between legs and scared. Their passive attitude was similar to what I am seeing today. "Oh we can't do or say that because we are Christians" or my favorite, "well Jesus said to turn the other check for our enemy''. These are just a couple statements that are common in today's believers regarding our enemies and warfare. By the way, Moses and His people did take the land they were promised because of Joshua and Caleb's belief that God did what He said He would do. Why can't we believe He can?

Bottom line is this. We live in a world of that is filled with evil and not enough good people doing anything about it. To take it a step further, I am saying that most men who claim the Lordship of the Risen King Jesus are "wussies"! Sadly, the day of strong Christian man has faded. Men in the church as well as the home are weak. I do not have to justify my statement if we look at the society we live in. If I/we are to be God's defenders of His Will and Word and if we are to also love each other as Christ loves his people why are we such wussies? For me, I admit, I have been sitting on the bench too long. I have been passive and a wuss. NO LONGER!!!

Part 3 to come.

Awaiting His Return

1 comment:

  1. Jeff,

    Three issues here first our culture no longer fears God and secondly God's people fear culture. The Bible time and again points to the truth that Christians have nothing to fear but God himself, so why don't we? Finally, all things masculine have been sacrificed in the name of passivity and femininity in our culture. Satan realized long ago that attacking the "head of the household" would yield big dividends for him and he was right. The fall of the Christian home is leading to all that is wrong in culture.
