Monday, May 18, 2009

One Day at a Time

I like having the opportunity to go in to some depth of what I believe. Don't know why, but blogging like this forces me to dig into God's Word and deepens my beliefs. Faith also becomes stronger as I challenge myself through the Truth of His Word.

This blog will likely have my loved ones considering calling the guys in white coats to take me away in a straight jacket. (Smile)

The fact is I believe with everything that is within me that I will be here on earth when The Lord of Lords and King of Kings returns. This premise of my belief regarding seeing His Glorious Second Coming dictates how I live day to day. You see this means I don't see death the same as most people. Since I don't fear death or even consider it as a option, I am allowed the freedom to live everyday like it's the last. Even if the day would come that I am wrong, I won't have to say in eternity that I didn't live my mortal life to it's fullest!

Not long ago I had one of those very special moments with my son Boo. I don't remember the exactly how this conversation got started but he and I were talking about dying. We have had more than our fair share of loved ones passing on in the last year or so. Any way, Caleb melted me with honor and pride. (Pride in a positive way) He said something like this: "Dad, if and when I die, I want to die fighting for something I really believe in. Not of old age or cancer but something that has a purpose". Wow! That's my son who I am well pleased.

Think about it, to live each day to the fullest one day at a time. Live a life that is nothing but honoring to The King of Kings everyday! I want to give Him anything and everything that I have including my mortal soul if He should so need. My attitude today is that everything is His anyway including my life so why not?

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