Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This Just In! Part 1

When ever there is a title "This Just In" is my chance to explain why/where this man, Jeff Morgan is coming from. If you like fluffy bed time stories like I tell my babies at bedtime or if adult descriptive language easily offends, you may not like this blog. And that's OK.

"Evil relishes and flourishes in times when good men do nothing" I have no idea who said that, but the bottom line is that it's true! Evil is as real as your mind can make it. For me, that means I often have to battle it daily and even minute to minute. As someone who has been healed by the grace of God, I HAVE to live day by day. Fighting the enemy is not giving into the temptations of this world. It's hard enough to defend my own sole when the evil one is showing me the pleasures and treasures of this earth. Fortunately God gave me/us His word as a weapon in this battle. The Book of Philippians has and continues to be my comfort in spiritual battle.

I believe God the Creator made each one of His children in His own image starting at conception. If God the Father loves His creation more than I love my own children then I only understand a small portion of what love really is. There is so much more that I can't put my mind around regarding His Great Love for little me. But being a father and a father who loves his children unconditionally and openly I am starting to understand (or at least what my earthly mind can). He had to love me/us so much to send His only Son to give me/us Life. And to think He is big enough to have that love for ALL of His children! Again, I can't put my mind around that.

Now, to put these two together.

God is Righteous and Good. Jesus is His Son who sits on the Right Hand side of the Father. The Word is His Holy Testament. The Holy Spirit dwells in all who invites the Son. The Father and Son wants a relationship with each of His masterful creations. His Love is Perfect.

Here's the problem. We have a adversary. Before God made man, He had a traitor named Lucifer. Since the moment this vile creature was cast out from The Holy One, he wants nothing more than to see God's people suffer. The evil one knows he is no match for the King of Kings so he goes after the "free willed" or "weaker" creation of The Father, us. From Adam and Eve to Lisa and I, Satan wants us far from The Father. Both in Bible times and current, Satan has been very successful on preying on God's people and for a time, winning hands down. Satan gets the hand up because of sin we are no forced with "Free Will". Mankind is too weak without a relationship with the Father. Since Satan knows this, his job becomes easier.

I see this in my life today playing out. My son Nate is almost 17. He and I just meet this past Thanksgiving and he didn't grow up with my other children. (I'll write on this sometime) Nate knows me and my family. We love him, I love him, but only Nate is the only one who can accept the love. As much as I want to pull him in, he has to give his will to come.

Maybe God blessed me with 10 children so I can start to seeing just a little how He does.

Part 2 to come.


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