Monday, May 25, 2009

Does That Bother You?

It's Monday evening, May 25. As I watch my favorite TV program FOX News, I see that our enemies are hard at work pissing off many in the international world. North Korea has just test fired a atomic warhead. This is Pyongyang second attempt with testing their nuclear program in recent months. Kim Jong II is the current self appointed leader of North Korea. Many experts and people who have been close to him have said that this man is mentally sick. Does that bother you as much as it bothers me? Not long ago the communist nation test fired a long range missile that has the capability of reaching Alaska. Does that bother you?

Kim Jong II of North Korea is not the only insane leader of a country that hates the US. The man who I call my mortal enemy,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the hard line president of Iran may be a greater threat to the US. Ahmadinejad may not be as crazy as Kim Jong but he has more resources than the North Korean regime. He has said on several occasions that Israel should be wiped off the map. Iran is one of the world's top 5 counties that exports crude oil. Unlike North Korea, Iran has deep pockets. The Muslim nation has also jumped in bed with one of the US's long term enemy, Russia. Terhan and Moscow has built a now public alliance with oil and gas going North and nuclear technology moving South. Iran will soon join the world as a atomic nation. Does that bother you? Does me!

Iran and North Korea have their reasons why they despises the West. North Korea hates us because Kim Jong sees America as a "big bully" internationally. We also support Pyongyang's sister country South Korea with military resources as well as free trade. The two countries are still at war with each other but are kinda in a "time out" or cease fire at the moment.
I honestly see Iran as a bigger threat due to the fact that the leadership truly hates us! The radical Muslims in power of the regime of Iran want nothing more than to see ALL of the Zionist state of Israel and ALL Christians everywhere in the world dead. Period. This war between the Muslim world and us (both Jews and Christians) have been going on for thousands of years. This fight is religious. Personal and passionate.

Now that our enemies have nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction, I see things a little different. We have had peace for the majority of the time since World War II. A few heated confrontations like Korea, Vietnam and now the Middle East has kept us on our toes. But now mankind has entered the "atomic age" and war will never be the same. If these two enemies don't disarm, or forced to disarm real soon, we WILL discover what real devastation is all about. Does that bother you?

As much as I would love to be in a room alone with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for just 10 minutes so I could lay a good ole "butt kicking" on him, this is The Lord's fight. With nuclear war coming and it is, (hate to be the guy with the bad news) this might be the time to get "right" with our Creator and His Son Jesus Christ. When nukes start flying is the begining of the end. Time is short! Urgency in this matter of salvation is real! Even if I am wrong about our enemy and war I can tell you life is better when Jesus lives in one's life.

Awaiting The King's Return,

Monday, May 18, 2009

One Day at a Time

I like having the opportunity to go in to some depth of what I believe. Don't know why, but blogging like this forces me to dig into God's Word and deepens my beliefs. Faith also becomes stronger as I challenge myself through the Truth of His Word.

This blog will likely have my loved ones considering calling the guys in white coats to take me away in a straight jacket. (Smile)

The fact is I believe with everything that is within me that I will be here on earth when The Lord of Lords and King of Kings returns. This premise of my belief regarding seeing His Glorious Second Coming dictates how I live day to day. You see this means I don't see death the same as most people. Since I don't fear death or even consider it as a option, I am allowed the freedom to live everyday like it's the last. Even if the day would come that I am wrong, I won't have to say in eternity that I didn't live my mortal life to it's fullest!

Not long ago I had one of those very special moments with my son Boo. I don't remember the exactly how this conversation got started but he and I were talking about dying. We have had more than our fair share of loved ones passing on in the last year or so. Any way, Caleb melted me with honor and pride. (Pride in a positive way) He said something like this: "Dad, if and when I die, I want to die fighting for something I really believe in. Not of old age or cancer but something that has a purpose". Wow! That's my son who I am well pleased.

Think about it, to live each day to the fullest one day at a time. Live a life that is nothing but honoring to The King of Kings everyday! I want to give Him anything and everything that I have including my mortal soul if He should so need. My attitude today is that everything is His anyway including my life so why not?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

This Just In! Part 2

The idea of the "This Just In" is a chance for me to build upon my "top ten" core beliefs. This section of "TJI" is combining God's love for His people and battling satan our enemy. Many books and sermons have communicated both of these topics alone. I am trying to unite these two in order for readers to identify with me on the premise of this. -Evil has and will continue to dominate this world if God's people do nothing.

There is a feeling of passiveness I find among believers in our Lord Jesus. This "feeling" of passiveness is directly related to how evil has swept in and set up camp here in Iowa with gay marriage. I think being silent about issues like gay marriage or any other liberal movement that goes against our Father's design is a form of "giving up'' or being passive.

I was reminded of the Old Testament's account of when Moses led His people out of captivity from Egypt. I love the passion Joshua and Caleb showed when they reported back to Moses about the enemy that occupied the Promise Land. They both were jamming optimistic with this challenge in front of them! Most of the spies Moses sent with Joshua and Caleb came back with their tails tucked between legs and scared. Their passive attitude was similar to what I am seeing today. "Oh we can't do or say that because we are Christians" or my favorite, "well Jesus said to turn the other check for our enemy''. These are just a couple statements that are common in today's believers regarding our enemies and warfare. By the way, Moses and His people did take the land they were promised because of Joshua and Caleb's belief that God did what He said He would do. Why can't we believe He can?

Bottom line is this. We live in a world of that is filled with evil and not enough good people doing anything about it. To take it a step further, I am saying that most men who claim the Lordship of the Risen King Jesus are "wussies"! Sadly, the day of strong Christian man has faded. Men in the church as well as the home are weak. I do not have to justify my statement if we look at the society we live in. If I/we are to be God's defenders of His Will and Word and if we are to also love each other as Christ loves his people why are we such wussies? For me, I admit, I have been sitting on the bench too long. I have been passive and a wuss. NO LONGER!!!

Part 3 to come.

Awaiting His Return

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This Just In! Part 1

When ever there is a title "This Just In" is my chance to explain why/where this man, Jeff Morgan is coming from. If you like fluffy bed time stories like I tell my babies at bedtime or if adult descriptive language easily offends, you may not like this blog. And that's OK.

"Evil relishes and flourishes in times when good men do nothing" I have no idea who said that, but the bottom line is that it's true! Evil is as real as your mind can make it. For me, that means I often have to battle it daily and even minute to minute. As someone who has been healed by the grace of God, I HAVE to live day by day. Fighting the enemy is not giving into the temptations of this world. It's hard enough to defend my own sole when the evil one is showing me the pleasures and treasures of this earth. Fortunately God gave me/us His word as a weapon in this battle. The Book of Philippians has and continues to be my comfort in spiritual battle.

I believe God the Creator made each one of His children in His own image starting at conception. If God the Father loves His creation more than I love my own children then I only understand a small portion of what love really is. There is so much more that I can't put my mind around regarding His Great Love for little me. But being a father and a father who loves his children unconditionally and openly I am starting to understand (or at least what my earthly mind can). He had to love me/us so much to send His only Son to give me/us Life. And to think He is big enough to have that love for ALL of His children! Again, I can't put my mind around that.

Now, to put these two together.

God is Righteous and Good. Jesus is His Son who sits on the Right Hand side of the Father. The Word is His Holy Testament. The Holy Spirit dwells in all who invites the Son. The Father and Son wants a relationship with each of His masterful creations. His Love is Perfect.

Here's the problem. We have a adversary. Before God made man, He had a traitor named Lucifer. Since the moment this vile creature was cast out from The Holy One, he wants nothing more than to see God's people suffer. The evil one knows he is no match for the King of Kings so he goes after the "free willed" or "weaker" creation of The Father, us. From Adam and Eve to Lisa and I, Satan wants us far from The Father. Both in Bible times and current, Satan has been very successful on preying on God's people and for a time, winning hands down. Satan gets the hand up because of sin we are no forced with "Free Will". Mankind is too weak without a relationship with the Father. Since Satan knows this, his job becomes easier.

I see this in my life today playing out. My son Nate is almost 17. He and I just meet this past Thanksgiving and he didn't grow up with my other children. (I'll write on this sometime) Nate knows me and my family. We love him, I love him, but only Nate is the only one who can accept the love. As much as I want to pull him in, he has to give his will to come.

Maybe God blessed me with 10 children so I can start to seeing just a little how He does.

Part 2 to come.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Life and Spiritual Warfare

When the Holy Spirit is working in my life or when I feel in tune with God's will is time for me to be ready to do battle. If you believe in God Almighty, Jesus and the Holy Spirit then you better realize and know that our God and we as believers have a enemy. Satan is real. He hates all that is good and wants nothing more than to destroy lives. The enemy will pull no punches when it comes to hindering my relationship with the Father through Jesus. That devil has all the tools he needs to occupy me. From drugs and drinking to those unexpected floods in life, satan knows my weakness and uses anything and everything to keep me from Him.

This week has been a great example of spiritual warfare for me personal. Our basement was flooded by 3 inches of sewage water. The root cause is that our main sewer line to the street is broken. A camera verified the break which is going to require me digging my front yard up tomorrow morning. I have felt the Holy Spirit working and prompting me to trust Him and live to only serve him in whatever way over the last month or so. I truly believe He has called me to some sort of full time ministry. Satan hates anyone coming to call Jesus "King". That's what I feel prompted to do for him, go further His Kingdom. All of us are to "go tell others about our Lord and Savior" but to do so full time and trusting He will make all ends meet is a sort of "leap of faith".

The Spirit has been powerful in my life when I humble myself and listen. There has been some major life changing events when the Spirit of God has spoken to me. It's hard to explain these moments when God speaks to me, a couple of times it's been in the shower. JC's Steakhouse was one of those times as well as putting my babies in a Christian school. There is no doubt that this is one of those times when God is saying, "Jeff, GO AND BRING ME MORE OF MY CHILDREN TO ME BEFORE I RETURN". This has been my message as of late. He wants me because of my story, the life I have lived can and will bring others to Christ's Kingdom. Not that I am different or special but because I am what I am. How many men do you know that has 10 children or a man who was once about dead due to addictions. There are countless ways He has me to minister to my brothers and sisters. My prayer is that I have the courage to fight to the finish for Him.

Awaiting His Glorious Return,