Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kingdom Thoughts

Over the coarse of a lifetime, do we really grasp the idea of life and of time? What about the concept of life or time with or without a "being" greater than ourselves or God? Is time really moving forward as we all may think OR is it that eternity is bursting into the present? Can I (we) have the live life like there will be no tomorrow?!

These are questions that I find myself pondering this evening. I am just going to lay this out there. The Kingdom, His Kingdom, His Eternal Kingdom is rapidly approaching. Things are in motion that can NOT be undone or stopped. A line is being drawn. We as His People NEED to prepare!

At my core being, I believe His Coming will be sooner than later. Life as we all know it is about to change. When this change occurs, we as His Body, the REAL purpose of the church MUST mirror the "blueprint" given to us from His Word. The ground work that is written in The Book of Acts describes how the "first" church looked like and how the church operated. We as the "last" church must again rise and become "The Way" once again.

The Kingdom of The King Jesus is in each one of us and therefore up to us, His People, who must bring it! Pray for it! Pray for His Kingdom to Come NOW!!! Ask for a new perspective. A view point that allows the sight of His Miraculous Work and Wonders. The closer His Eternal Kingdom approaches us, the more we WILL see His Glory revealed in and through us, His People. Wow! What a honor and privilege!

-Awaiting His Glorious Return

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