Thursday, April 22, 2010

True Blessings

What really does a "blessing" from God look like? When people say, "God bless you" or "bless you" or even "blessings", what are people truly asking of God to do to another person? Are blessings even relevant to the person on the receiving end when giving?

I say "blessings" from the Living God are the simplest and most beautiful things that (we), because of the complexity of our culture, is missed. Like said about beauty, "its (beauty) is all in the eye of the beholder" and so are blessings. Paul's account of his conversion on the road to Damascus describes another way of seeing blessings. When the "scales" fell off his eyes he too looked upon the world with "eyes like Jesus". When that happened to Paul and believe it or not but can still happen to some of us today, blessings, true blessings directly come from The King of Kings are abundant!

Nine beautiful and talented children. A wife who gave birth to nine children AND I still find beautiful and physically attractive. A house that is a home. Many men in whom I trust. A pastor and friend who I know without a shadow of doubt, has my back. There is a ministry about to explode from somewhere inside my family! We all in the Morgan family are excited to serve Jesus in ANY WAY He would have us! I have a job. My son Caleb can throw a baseball over 80 mph at the age of a young 15. Jalissa was on the All-State "One Act" team with "Orphan Train". This is just a hand-full of blessings He has bestowed upon me.

See to me, true blessings are the simplest everyday things that most people take for granted. I too used to take everything for granted. Guilty. About a year ago, The Lord "peeled" the ''scales" off my eyes and I do see all of life MUCH different than I had before! Oh my! I thank God for this new ability to see His People and to see His Blessings in the lives of His People.

Here is the REAL beauty...........He, The Lord God Almighty, wants you and I to go make His Blessings real to our brothers and sisters in Christ! We who take the time to TRULY say to someone, "God Bless you brother", He, Jesus Himself through the Holy Spirit WILL touch the receiver in a way! When we "GIVE" away blessings in action is when we REALLY and TRULY become the blessed ones!

Go bless someone! If He is prompting you to say a blessing or words of encouragement to a fellow, Go do it! And in doing so, I pray He pours out His Blessings on YOU!

God Bless!

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