Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Been Awhile

Without a shadow of doubt God is prompting me to again reengage writing on this goofy blog page known as "Big Daddy's Blurbs". My absence is no longer acceptable in the eyes of my Heavenly Father. Too often have I tried to "ignore" or "go ahead" of God and His Divine Will in my life. When I do, I find myself in difficult situations that my "selfish flesh" had truly placed first in front of God. I believe this is why He has convicted me at my heart's core to again write. I MUST continue to deny my selfish/sinful nature. And in doing so, in writing, I must share my convictions and words with whoever reads this blog. I want to be like Paul and David! Men who were after a Heart like The Lord God! I have prayed like David. I have both pleaded and prayed to also have a heart like The Father and His Son. He answered. This is His answer to me....

"If you my son Jeff desire a heart like Me, your Heavenly Father God, then you must Love ALL of My People as you Jeff, love your own children. You are a man who loves My Truest Blessings! Now Jeff, GO! GO! Treat EVERYONE as He and She are Hand Chosen by Me and Blessed like your own off-spring. Learn to Love My People as I have Loved you Jeff! GO!"

This is what The King of kings spoke to me as well. "Use your God Given Talents to bring forth My Coming Kingdom!'' "As you Jeff express and model mature love to your brothers and sisters in Me, I will pour My Spirit out with Power on to him and her who believes!"

As I close tonight, understand we serve a Great and Wonderful Lord God! And He wants to show Himself to ALL of those people who will call upon His Name! For He wants ALL of His People to again STAND!!! and bring Glory and Godly Honor back to Him and ALL of His Creation!

May God powerfully enhance the spirit and gifts in you (and each one of us) that WILL bring Praise of Glory to God The Father! Amen.

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