Thursday, April 22, 2010

True Blessings

What really does a "blessing" from God look like? When people say, "God bless you" or "bless you" or even "blessings", what are people truly asking of God to do to another person? Are blessings even relevant to the person on the receiving end when giving?

I say "blessings" from the Living God are the simplest and most beautiful things that (we), because of the complexity of our culture, is missed. Like said about beauty, "its (beauty) is all in the eye of the beholder" and so are blessings. Paul's account of his conversion on the road to Damascus describes another way of seeing blessings. When the "scales" fell off his eyes he too looked upon the world with "eyes like Jesus". When that happened to Paul and believe it or not but can still happen to some of us today, blessings, true blessings directly come from The King of Kings are abundant!

Nine beautiful and talented children. A wife who gave birth to nine children AND I still find beautiful and physically attractive. A house that is a home. Many men in whom I trust. A pastor and friend who I know without a shadow of doubt, has my back. There is a ministry about to explode from somewhere inside my family! We all in the Morgan family are excited to serve Jesus in ANY WAY He would have us! I have a job. My son Caleb can throw a baseball over 80 mph at the age of a young 15. Jalissa was on the All-State "One Act" team with "Orphan Train". This is just a hand-full of blessings He has bestowed upon me.

See to me, true blessings are the simplest everyday things that most people take for granted. I too used to take everything for granted. Guilty. About a year ago, The Lord "peeled" the ''scales" off my eyes and I do see all of life MUCH different than I had before! Oh my! I thank God for this new ability to see His People and to see His Blessings in the lives of His People.

Here is the REAL beauty...........He, The Lord God Almighty, wants you and I to go make His Blessings real to our brothers and sisters in Christ! We who take the time to TRULY say to someone, "God Bless you brother", He, Jesus Himself through the Holy Spirit WILL touch the receiver in a way! When we "GIVE" away blessings in action is when we REALLY and TRULY become the blessed ones!

Go bless someone! If He is prompting you to say a blessing or words of encouragement to a fellow, Go do it! And in doing so, I pray He pours out His Blessings on YOU!

God Bless!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Short and Sweet

What a ride the last 7 days has been. How can one express feelings or emotions that soar so far in often opposite directions. One thing that remains clear on this bucking roller-coaster ride is that there is A Living and Loving God in Jesus Christ.

Most now know that a week ago today I took Caleb, Cole, Jaden Joy and Johnny (my 3 year old) to do some things for my dad (Lee Johnson) down at his home. He lives about an hour Southeast of Pella. We tried to call him a few times along the way down to his place. My son Caleb was sitting in the front seat with me as we got his voice mail every time we called. I could tell my son too was "filling in the dots" to what may be coming. As we pulled on to his yard, Caleb and I spoke without even speaking. Caleb stayed in the car with his brothers and sister as I went in dad's house to confirm what my I fearfully wondered over the last 15 minutes.

Dad had passed into The Presence of his Father sitting in his "easy chair" sometime over night or early morning. Caleb being the young man he is came into the house a few minutes later. My son and I shared something at that moment. I am sure many people would see that time Boo and I shared to be "gross" or "not normal". Caleb and I however grew from it. We learned we have NO fear of death. My dad believed Jesus Christ was and is The Lord He claimed to be. Both Caleb and I, through The Holy Spirit grew in our own spiritual walk last Sunday. My son is a better man for it, as am I.

I would love to describe in detail how I truly believe that dad's death was all part of the "big picture" of life. Already in dad's passing I find my own family drawing closer to Him. I learned that the relationship between a dad and a son is special. I believe I fell more in love with my own sons in the passing of dad. I believe I was to find dad in his chair. It was supposed to be me who he last had conversation with. Even in our ugly history, that bond, that....whatever it is......well, I get now. As a dad and a son, I understand finally.

Lisa and I were able to attend a conference this weekend. Wonderful!!! This "Wholeness in Christ" conference was perfectly orchestrated by The One Living Lord God! Seriously. I don't know how to begin to verbalize or find words to describe some of the REAL miracles that I personal witnessed. Lives changed. Mine included. With dad's passing earlier in the week and just a week full of doing the "unusual" my heart was ready for some serious reflection and more importantly some time with Jesus. Again, His timing was Perfect.

As I close this short/brief "blog" I want to thank everyone who prayed for me and my family this week. Never once did I ever feel alone. Brothers and sisters in Him surrounded me and the family this week and THAT meant a lot!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Tag, You Are It!

What a day The Lord has made! I should/need to rejoice in this day and glad in it! Deep in me do I truly praise God for this day.

My day started brisk and wonderful meeting with a group of young men studying God's Word. The day ended as beautiful as it began as I was honored in taking my 3 beautiful daughters to a "father-daughter" dance. We danced and then dined in fellowship and prayer with amazing company. My dearest friend was there tonight and that really was a blessing from God in my view of life! What a day, filled with sunshine and seeing the Holy Spirit work in people. What a day!

I share this "brief" of my day only to promote inspiration to anyone who may read my rare writings. When I remember or chose to put others before me, or maybe be better said "love outward" is when I truly feel blessed. Selfishness is often my "blocker" of being blessed. I look inward instead of loving/looking outwards. Inspiration follows for me. I find inspired when I attempt to encourage my fellow man and I get a positive reaction. "when blessings from God come to us, we MUST turn right around and give them away" This concept works for me. It follows the premise of "a cup running over". I get that! Praise God for His blessings on my life!

As I close I ask for prayer. Life is about to become very fast paced for me and my family. Please pray that time for relationships still happen in our family life. And for grace in each other when that time is lost. Also, pray for me to be "in-tune" well enough to follow God's leading in my life. I have been overwhelmed (in a GOOD way) with so much positive feedback when I describe to people my vision for a public ministry. I say this only because my pattern in life typically would be me trying to lead God instead of me following His. So as we press forward with ministry, please pray that I keep a Godly perspective doing His work.

May God Bless you and may you pass that blessing onto your fellow friend.

Awaiting His Glorious Return!