Sunday, October 11, 2009

Part 2 to Take The Offense

As I watch the Yankees battle in a pitching duel with the Twinkies, many thoughts run through my brain. The one thought that keeps haunting me is this...

The world has fallen to despair and good people are choosing to do nothing.

Since I have been woke from my spiritual slumber, He has given me a new heart. A heart for my brother and sister who I once turned my back upon. In order for me to truly love my Lord God will be demonstrated by the way I love my fellow man. Jesus taught this OVER and OVER in His Ministry! He gave EVERYTHING always to His fellow man in every place and every opportunity.
Unless I am reading The Word wrong, Jesus loved His people! He showed Love, Kingdom Love through action. All of the actions Jesus did in miracles such as healing and casting away demons were just "love taps" to The King of Kings. Then Paul and Peter came on the scene and did more of the same. Paul, who did not even walk with Jesus continued His Work by the Holy Spirit and his actions. What I am wondering, why don't Christians today believe AND act(action) like Peter and Paul?

I admit publicly my sin. Jeff Morgan has been asleep at the wheel for 40 years. In that vast 40 years I was protected by His Love and Grace as a unbeliever and a believer. God's Grace is wonderful IF it is fully accepted. But now, with "the scales removed from my own eyes" I see EVERYTHING in a new light! In this clearer vision I see............well, maybe better said, I see the things (both good and evil) that I have always closed my eyes to before. Either way, I need to follow the light into action like my brothers before me, Peter and Paul.

This will be my attempt to be just what He called ALL of us to be. Salt and light. My teacher, the late Zola Levitt ( said too as Christians we should be more like the authors of the Bible. Zola reminded me that Jesus did not come to make peace but to divide. (not worded exactly) The premise of this statement is true regardless how anyone takes it. Jesus was NOT the "make love and peace" god like the hippies would like to believe. His Power was Love and His Peace will Come soon but not until His People once again become a REAL body.!.

I said in part one, I want the ball. (Football talk) I desire to take the fight to the enemy and expose the evil for what it is. Nowhere in The Life of Jesus did He take the defensive. He did not have too! So why do we? I am tired of retreating and compromising with this evil in the world. Anyone else?
We need to rebuild the team in a short time! We need leaders with a heart of courage and NOT compromise to lead this last revival of believers! And I further say boldly, this revival will not come from the church. Sadly, the church today can't even come to the game and cheer let alone be relevant in this all so serious game. Time is to short to wait..!

Summery. I am bored with most Christians today. There is NO passion! No depth in heart! I hear people talking but no action! I woke up from a bad dream to a nightmare! The people who I thought so highly of are really just flapping fat jaws speaking wordless words. These men in Christian church leadership I want to challenge. Take up our OWN cross and show the flock how to carry it! If you don't, I will!!! Get out of your comfy place of slumber AND LEAD these people like you were called too! Look your fellow man in the eye and use the authority He Gracefully gave you to love them all in ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summery II. With the lack of Christian faith and the enemy winning this battle, we are in peril like no other time. While God's people continue to be content and live in complacency, evil will strengthen. We who want to see The Kingdom must be the ones who bring it. No doubt we have a battle ahead BUT a battle that belongs to OUR Lord and King, Jesus Christ!

Awaiting His Beautiful Return to Glory!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Time to Take The Offensive Part 1

Anybody else tired of waiting for someone to come along and make everything right? I can't remember the exact numbers of the population of "registered" voters in the 08 election. But what I do recall is the current president winning tens of millions of, well (legal?) votes on the promise he was the hope. People flocked to the polls last November to "pull" for the man who was going to bring justice, peace and resolve back to America. The tens of millions are still waiting mister president. Sadly, so is EVERYONE else on this earth.

I start with the above paragraph because "waiting" IS EXACTLY the thing evil thrives on. If nothing is done, evil endures. What happens when good people do nothing? We as believers have done just that!!! NOTHING!! Wake up!!! Does NOT the Bible speak of this?! Our road was NOT meant to be easily trotted. But for some reason we look to man to save up from this part of the journey. What man ever lead long and did nothing?! Wake the hell UP!!!

As a FOX news watcher (and I will say avid listener of only a few programs on that network), the world as we know it is is GREAT despair. This being said only in relevance to what REALLY is going on around the globe. PEOPLE!- We are in place in history where we as the human race has never before ventured! Mankind's peril is about to be put to the brink!

Why do we, (me included) spend SO much time waiting??? I hear God's People who I know loves The Father say ALL the time, "I will be patient and wait on God" - "All in God's time" - "God's Will in His time" - "God's Leading will be clear" one of my favorites, "I'll pray on that and ask for God's Will" WHAT???!!! Why? Is this what Jesus Did? How about Paul and Peter in The Book of Acts?

There is wisdom waiting for The Lord, It Is Written. But sticking our heads deep into the sand while the world rots away is NOT wisdom. Are we not called to do/be more than just wise? This attitude of today's pew warmers of "waiting" does NOT line up with what Jesus said and did. We NEED God's People in ACTION!!! HEAR THIS!!! Please! For the Sake of His Name WAKE UP!!!

For all the sleepy heads, I'll make you a deal. You see, I want in the game! I too was once sleepy and liked the softness of the "sidelines". But when Coach Christ looked at me and said "You are in Morgan", I gotta go! Just the idea of The King of Kings asking me to be a part of His team is humbling. Now He is telling me to "take the ball" and DO something with it! He reminds me that He will NEVER leave or forsake me in my efforts. Even if I stumble and fumble (like I have my whole life) His Grace is enough!

Part 2 coming!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Just Blogging

I gotta just lay stuff out there sometimes.

How do I even start?

There is NO doubt the lifestyle I live is MUCH different than anyone one else I know. Many of my friends and family I am sure see me as, well.....maybe..... different?.? I don't know. There was a time I ALWAYS thought the worst. A time when I believed that more people saw the Morgan family as a "burden". My self guilt and shame of my unresolved sins (not repented) was killing me! I took it out on everything/everyone including ones closest to me. I remember a man I worked for at Vermeer telling me once, "Jeff, you are your own worse enemy". Never thought much about that again until the sin was finally confronted. He was right. The "fighter" in me wanted to and still at times, kick my own butt!

The evil satan knows how to push my buttons. This week I started feeling again unworthy. The feeling of being "unworthy" is powerful! At least speaking for myself it is. I am finding many men also struggle with the same thing. For me, I see the "wrong" in everything. I believe everyone around me sees the same "false bad" in me as I think/see of myself. Next step often for me is isolation. Bad for me, VERY bad....!!! Unworthiness for a man, again speaking for myself, strikes at the heart. Here is a personal example.

As a man, dad and husband, I carry natural burdens. The leader of any group is required to carry at least the responsibility of the body. Lately the idea of being able to provide for my family is weighing me down. Just ever so simple things like this week Jalissa turned the sweet sixteen. I was unable to do anything special in the way I would like. Now I get the obvious when people tell me it's OK but deep down, that pain is real. I am still a man, still a dad.

All of my children are so incredible loving and caring. That's why I am struggling so much. I feel they deserve so much more. I don't honestly care about the "extras" of life but the necessities. Things like school and everything that goes with it. Clothes, shoes, sports wear and the everyday activities. It's pretty clear that if I can't do these things well, the rest of life's economic realities are even more frightening.

What really adds to this distraction is this spiritual awaking in me. The Lord, and I believe with everything in me that this to be true, has Called me into a full time ministry. There is no logic in what I must do, BUT what I must do takes the one resource I do not have. Again, no logic. Does this mean I am off my rocker? Maybe. Would not be the first time someone suggested Jeff Morgan is a little (or lot) eccentric. What keeps me encouraged is in The Word of God. Anyone who was anyone in the Bible did NOT follow the normal.

If my life is to glorify Him in anyway then I must overcome this fear. I must remember to not only trust Him but practice what I preach. As much as I want to go and encourage my brothers in Christ, I too must allow them in return to do the same.

Both humbly and boldly I plea for aid. I ask for prayer and wisdom in making Godly decisions for both my family and ministry. To me now, they are one! My family (both Lisa and our children) have been and will continue to be a arrows in His quiver. Whether we are here in Pella or on the other side of the globe, the Morgans will serve The Lord Jesus.

Awaiting His Mighty Return,