Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wish it was a dream

What in the world is going on! Have I drifted into a trance or under some spell?! In this..."dream" I saw two men walking into the Knoxville court house hand in hand coming out screaming "We're finally married!!!" These two men embrace each other and kiss and jump in the car and drive away. Most likely to, well whatever two men do after they get married. That's when I woke up dry heaving and grasping for oxygen! It's reality man! It's the law of the land right now in the heartland of America!

This has sent a cold and chilling wake up call for me! Seriously what is next? If killing the unborn is not enough we back up and give away marriage to two people of the same sex. If we as Christians don't come and unite under His banner here real soon, the cross we wear on our t-shirts or our necklace will become a "X" or the new target. We, as Christians are the last barrier between evil running rampage through the world! That's right brother, you and me! Once the God of the Jew and the Gentile is no longer the basic moral standard for this great US of A the world will completely fall apart. We are loosing these basic moral battles everyday and the sad part is that we haven't done jack crap about it! We have had our ass handed to us too many times and now it's time to take back if we can this continuing pounding our God has taken! Go fight a fight worth fighting! If you don't like what's happening in this world, better be praying and paying attention. The evil one is not going to let up on us until we are completely done. Slowly he has won these battles, but soon that devil will be put in his place, but until then we live to serve the Living King. He will win but until that final battle happens, we need to defend what is right at ALL COSTS!!!

Awaiting The King's Return,

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Not to Far into the Future, Change.

Change, it's gonna happen whether we like it or not. What one thing other than God Almighty always stays the same? Seasons come and go, babies turn to toddlers toddlers to preschoolers, preschoolers to school age then BANG! Teenagers! Nothing ever remains, change for the good or for evil will happen whether we like it or not.

As I write this, tensions in the Middle East is brewing. Iran, the Shiite' state is enriching enough uranium to equip an atomic warhead or multiple weapons. Iran has been bragg'n up their new long range missile program. These missiles will have a target 800 mile West looking for the Zionist state of Israel. The hate that these "towel headed some-bitches '' have for the Jewish state of Israel and westerners like you and me mean only that Tele Viv is bound for some sort of devastation. I hope I am wrong, but the president of Iran has repeated time and time again of the COMPLETE destruction of the Zionist state of Israel. Sure as I am sitting here I know the IDF, the Israel Defense Force are watching every move Terhan is making regarding nukes. Many believe that the IDF special forces are the best and most advanced soldier in any military, ever! But without International support, Israel stands almost alone against their Persian enemy. There is no doubt that the leadership in the IDF as well as the government wants Iran's facility bombed but also know what that would do for the world stage. Where does the United States of America fit in this?

Here is what I see happening soon. Change. Iran will attempt to fire nukes upon Tele Viv and may or may not inflect damage. The IDF will retaliate and turn Tehran into rubble causing many, thousands more like hundreds of thousands dead. Israel will get international criticism for their justified actions. Other Islam countries will come to defend their sister nation of Iran and unite against Israel. Israel counters again and Damascus becomes a useless piece of property. If the US doesn't interfere directly, then we here in the Midwest of America may be safe for the moment. The results still will be life altering even if the nukes are detonated only in the Middle East. What I also fear is the fact this enemy, Iran, has a "brotherhood" with the radical Jidusts that might be camped in our own backyard. The boarders of our great nation "the US of A" have been so poorly secured over the years, I fear this enemy is just waiting for their motherland to strike Tele Viv and then start blowing themselves up here upon us! This is why "Change" is so important. This out burst of terror by these radical towel-heads might "change" the way we live life.

Even if my senerio is wrong and the United States continues down the road of fasiam, our world as we know it and remember it is about to change. Don't have to look far to see change, begining Monday April 27 two homosexual men can walk into the Knoxville Court House and get a marriage license. Really!? Oh yea, the age is shifting. Who ever said change was just good is a liar!

No matter what the major change for life as we know it is, know it IS COMING!

Prepare yourself! Find peace with God, come to know that Jesus Christ died for your transgressions so we can inherite the Kingdom of Heaven. He desires so much more for me (us) if we let go of our own "free will" and allow Him to navigate for us. Aid the ones you love with the same love of Jesus Christ. In this time of "change" we may find ourselves relying only on Him who has the strength to carry us through. Last, through the love Jesus Christ has poured on us, we MUST allow our "cup over run" and fill up our fellow brothers or sisters in Christ. Love hard! Love a lot! Risk it all all the time! Love like there is no tomorrow.

-Awaiting His Great Return,

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Next to the game of baseball, casting for crappies or "paper-mouths" is probably my favorite thing in the world to do! This is getting to be one of the best times in mid Iowa to catch crappies and small pan fish. Catching, cooking and everything that is good about fishing is meaningful to me.
If you have kids, learn to fish. Buy one or two of those cheap poles at Walmart and pick up some bobbers, hooks and a dozen worms.
All kids need to catch a fish even if it's that ONE little blue-gill you catch off that dock down by the city pond. Watch what that little girls big blue eyes do when she sees her first fish hanging by that hook! She will light up and show you that real special side of her that only comes out in times like that. Kinda like that first Easter egg or the first time she rides a bike without training wheels. Take your daughter along with your boys and GO FISHING!